RubyHoldem is a set of classes which track the game state of a texas holdem poker game.
gem install ruby_holdem
require 'ruby_holdem'
players = ["Jack", "Joe", "Jil"]
poker_round =, 2, 4)
poker_round.make_move('raise', 2) # Jack raises small blinds
poker_round.make_move('raise', 4) # Joe raises big blinds
poker_round.make_move('fold') # Jil folds
poker_round.make_move('call') # Jack calls
poker_round.make_move('check') # Joe calls
puts poker_round.community_cards.join(' ')
# => i.e. 3s Js Qd
puts poker_round.pot_amount
# => 8
poker_round.make_move('raise', 3) # Jack raises 3
poker_round.make_move('fold') # Joe folds
puts poker_round.winner
# => Jack
- Break monolithic
class into smaller classes, i.e.Round
- Use rspec 3 style (subjects, expects etc.)
- Get rid of the stubbing of action_history instance var in round_spec.rb
- Have
keep track of an entire poker game consisting of multiple rounds
RubyHoldem uses the MIT license. Please check the LICENSE file for more details.