
RSA Factoring Challenge

Background Context

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We have sniffed an unsecured network and found numbers that are used to encrypt very important documents. It seems that those numbers are not always generated using large enough prime numbers. Your mission should you choose to accept it, is to factorize these numbers as fast as possible before the target fixes this bug on their server - so that we can decode the encrypted documents.


Read or watch:

RSA =>

How does HTTPS provide security? =>

Prime Factorization =>

Why RSA? =>



=> You can choose the language of your choice. => OS needs to be Standard Ubuntu 20.04 LTS/


0. Factorize all the things!

Factorize as many numbers as possible into a product of two smaller numbers.

Usage: factors where is a file containing natural numbers to factor. One number per line You can assume that all lines will be valid natural numbers greater than 1 You can assume that there will be no empty line and no space before and after the valid number The file will always end with a new line Output format: n=p*q one factorization per line p and q don’t have to be prime numbers

See example You can work on the numbers of the file in the order of your choice Your program should run without any dependency: You will not be able to install anything on the machine we will run your program on Time limit: Your program will be killed after 5 seconds if it hasn’t finished Push all your scripts, source code, etc… to your repository we will only run your executable factors julien@ubuntu:/factors$ cat tests/test00 4 12 34 128 1024 4958 1718944270642558716715 9 99 999 9999 9797973 49 239809320265259 julien@ubuntu:/factors$ time ./factors tests/test00 4=22 12=62 34=172 128=642 1024=5122 4958=24792 1718944270642558716715=3437888541285117433435 9=33 99=333 999=3333 9999=33333 9797973=32659913 49=77 239809320265259=1548578315485773

real 0m0.009s user 0m0.008s sys 0m0.001s julien@ubuntu:~/factors$

1. RSA Factoring Challenge

RSA Laboratories states that: for each RSA number n, there exist prime numbers p and q such that

n = p × q. The problem is to find these two primes, given only n.

This task is the same as task 0, except:

p and q are always prime numbers There is only one number in the files How far can you go in less than 5 seconds?

Read: RSA Factoring Challenge julien@ubuntu:/RSA Factoring Challenge$ cat tests/rsa-1 6 julien@ubuntu:/RSA Factoring Challenge$ ./rsa tests/rsa-1 6=32 julien@ubuntu:/RSA Factoring Challenge$ cat tests/rsa-2 77 julien@ubuntu:/RSA Factoring Challenge$ ./rsa tests/rsa-2 77=117 julien@ubuntu:/RSA Factoring Challenge$ [...]
/RSA Factoring Challenge$ cat tests/rsa-15 239821585064027 julien@ubuntu:/RSA Factoring Challenge$ ./rsa tests/rsa-15 239821585064027=15486481*15485867 julien@ubuntu:/RSA Factoring Challenge$ cat tests/rsa-16 2497885147362973 julien@ubuntu:~/RSA Factoring Challenge$ ./rsa tests/rsa-16 2497885147362973=49979141*49978553