
Prove how hard you work

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Git Brag

A python script that prints out the contributions of each author in the project. Statistics shown are:

  • Files changed
  • Lines inserted
  • Lines deleted


  • git command line tool must be installed
  • Python version 2.7 (check with python --version)
  • A UNIX OS such as Mac OS X or a Linux distro


  1. Clone the repository to the directory of your choosing
  2. cd git-brag
  3. python setup.py install

Note: If you do not have the privileges to install global packages, replace step 3 with python setup.py install --user. The program will be installed in ~/.local/bin on UNIX or ~/Library/Python/X.Y on Mac.


While in a git repository, run brag

If you want to specify the date range to search in, use the --start and --end arguments (or -s and -e for short):


  • brag -s "one week ago" -e "yesterday"
  • brag --start "2015-01-04"
  • brag -s "2015-04-13" --end "two days ago"


I have tested brag with a number of repos to ensure stability and to record speed. I ran the following tests on my 2013 MacBook Pro (i7/16GB RAM/OS X 10.11). All the tests completed successfully.


  1. git clone repo and cd into it
  2. Run time brag with no arguments. This makes it report on every single commit since the creation of the repo
  3. The total elapsed time is reported once the command completes


Repository Number of Contributors Number of Commits Running Time
django/django 1031 21,792 240.83sec (4min 1sec)
facebook/flow 118 1,737 4.70sec
google/googletest 26 892 1.41sec

For most projects, speed shouldn't be an issue.

Finally, for readability when running brag on large projects (>30 contributors) the graph will only include users that have contributed to at least 0.5% of the inserted lines.


Running brag on the repo for the awesome Chrome extension “Terrorist to Coward” by psiemens produces the following:

Peter Siemens:
Files changed: 9; Lines inserted: 77; Lines deleted: 16
Rob Cutmore:
Files changed: 1; Lines inserted: 7; Lines deleted: 0
Files changed: 1; Lines inserted: 5; Lines deleted: 0
Spyros Panagiotopoulos:
Files changed: 2; Lines inserted: 13; Lines deleted: 0
Tianyun Shan:
Files changed: 2; Lines inserted: 4; Lines deleted: 2
Files changed: 1; Lines inserted: 14; Lines deleted: 0
Files changed: 1; Lines inserted: 4; Lines deleted: 0

Files changed: 17
Lines inserted: 124
Lines deleted: 18

Percentage of lines added per user:
[ # # # # # # # # # # # # # - - - - - - - ] 62%	--> Peter Siemens
[ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] 5%	--> Rob Cutmore
[ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] 4%	--> Roman
[ # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] 10%	--> Spyros Panagiotopoulos
[ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] 3%	--> Tianyun Shan
[ # # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] 11%	--> filipdanic
[ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ] 3%	--> rgllm


  • Allow date ranges to be passed as parameters
  • Add support for charts showing files changed and lines deleted

If there is something else you would like added, let me know or submit a pull request.