
Quick and dirty Pandoc Markdown workflow.

Primary LanguageShell

Markdown Notes



I created this to easily make class notes in Markdown, and export them to individual PDFs, as well as create one large PDF with all notes


  1. Clone repo into a permanent location
  2. cd into repo
  3. chmod a+x init_notes.sh


Option 1: Create a notes directory

  1. Navigate to the directory in which you want to store the notes directory (i.e. your class folder)
  2. $PATH_TO_REPO/init_notes.sh

Option 2: Initialize an existing directory as a notes directory

Supply the path to the folder as an argument to the script, i.e. $PATH_TO_REPO/init_notes.sh ~/Desktop/sample_notes

This also works with ., so you can do the following:

cd ~/Desktop/sample_notes
$PATH_TO_REPO/init_notes.sh .

This will create the following structure:

└── notes
    ├── img
    │   └── index
    └── makefile -> /Users/evansalter/dev/notes/makefile


Once you have initialized a notes directory using init_notes.sh, you can begin writing notes:

  • Create notes in notes directory
  • Place images in the img directory
  • To create PDFs, run make in the notes directory. This will create a PDFs directory (if it doesn't exist).
    • Individual PDFs for each .md file in notes will be created, as well as all_notes.pdf which is a concatenation of each .md file with a table of contents.


I have the following shell function sourced in my shell to easily create a new Markdown file with the current date as the filename and the first line of the file:

note() {
	FILE="`date +%Y-%m-%d`.md"
	DATE="`date +"%A, %B %d, %Y"`"
	if [ -f $FILE ];
		echo "# $DATE" >> $FILE

Execute by running note. This will create a file called 2016-01-05.md, with the contents:

# Tuesday, January 05, 2016

If a file named 2016-01-05.md already exists, it will open it in your default editor.