
Course assignments, exercises, and mini projects

Primary LanguageJava

Course assignments, exercises, and mini projects

This repository contains assignments from the programming courses I have taken during my undergraduate degree at National Chung Cheng University.

1st academic year: Object-oriented Technology(I) - JAVA

Each of the projects were completed using Eclipse Neon, simply import the projects into Eclipse's workspace and everything should work fine.

  • Addressbook practice - A simple object-oriented programming exercise
  • Fibonacci exercise
  • guiHW - Personal information forms with Java GUI
  • Guipaint - An exercise to draw a picture using Java GUI
  • SupersubclassHW - A more complete object-oriented programming exercise (Graphics card ordering system)

1st academic year: Program Design

This course is actually C# prgramming, projects were completed with Visual Studio 2010.

  • Console Application - A console-based math quiz program
  • MidHW01 - A ticket purchasing system

2nd academic year: Assembly Language

This course teaches us ARM assembly language. All assignments were compiled using arm-elf-gcc. It was a very special programming language comparing modern object-oriented languages when I was learning it. It became useful after I started designing Bluetooth Low Energy programs on Nordic's nRF52832 chip, which was running an ARM microprocessor.

  • HW1 - A simple exercise for getting started to arm assembly compiler
  • HW2 - Finding GCD
  • HW3 - Matrix computation
  • HW4 - Number sorting

2nd academic year: XML and Internet Service

This course teaches everything about XML using Java. It also taught us about Java sockets and multithreading.

  • XML_project1 - Library checkout system

2nd academic year: Webpage Design

This course was about HTML and PHP programming. Projects were tested using XAMPP.

  • class_activity1 - HTML table exercise
  • class_activity2 - PHP warmup
  • class_activity3 - PHP login exercise
  • class_activity4
  • Inclass Exercise
  • Midterm
  • Final project (Not uploaded)

2nd academic year: Multimedia Systems

  • Android Calculator
  • Java Calculator
  • Kourse Android application (Not uploaded)

2nd academic year: Java Programming - Enterprise and Embedded Systems

Assignments are compiled with Eclipse Neon.

  • HW1 - 2D/3D shapes and area calculation
  • HW2 - Salary payment system (console-based)
  • HW3 - Rational and HugeInteger exercise