This repository contains assignments from the programming courses I have taken during my undergraduate degree at National Chung Cheng University.
Each of the projects were completed using Eclipse Neon, simply import the projects into Eclipse's workspace and everything should work fine.
- Addressbook practice - A simple object-oriented programming exercise
- Fibonacci exercise
- guiHW - Personal information forms with Java GUI
- Guipaint - An exercise to draw a picture using Java GUI
- SupersubclassHW - A more complete object-oriented programming exercise (Graphics card ordering system)
This course is actually C# prgramming, projects were completed with Visual Studio 2010.
- Console Application - A console-based math quiz program
- MidHW01 - A ticket purchasing system
This course teaches us ARM assembly language. All assignments were compiled using arm-elf-gcc. It was a very special programming language comparing modern object-oriented languages when I was learning it. It became useful after I started designing Bluetooth Low Energy programs on Nordic's nRF52832 chip, which was running an ARM microprocessor.
- HW1 - A simple exercise for getting started to arm assembly compiler
- HW2 - Finding GCD
- HW3 - Matrix computation
- HW4 - Number sorting
This course teaches everything about XML using Java. It also taught us about Java sockets and multithreading.
- XML_project1 - Library checkout system
This course was about HTML and PHP programming. Projects were tested using XAMPP.
- class_activity1 - HTML table exercise
- class_activity2 - PHP warmup
- class_activity3 - PHP login exercise
- class_activity4
- Inclass Exercise
- Midterm
- Final project (Not uploaded)
- Android Calculator
- Java Calculator
- Kourse Android application (Not uploaded)
Assignments are compiled with Eclipse Neon.
- HW1 - 2D/3D shapes and area calculation
- HW2 - Salary payment system (console-based)
- HW3 - Rational and HugeInteger exercise