gtfs-api Build Status

Simple spark rest api using gtfs-lib.

Build with mvn clean package.

Getting Started

cp application.conf.template application.conf

Change s3.feeds-bucket to s3 bucket where feeds are stored or, to work locally, update to local path with gtfs and switch to true.

After packaging with Maven, run with java -jar target/gtfs-api.jar.

API Endpoints

  • localhost:4567/feeds - list feed IDs
  • localhost:4567/stops?feed=<FEED-ID> - list all stops for feed(s)
  • localhost:4567/stops?name=<STRING-QUERY>&feed=<FEED-ID> - query routes by name (best guess based on string provided) for feed(s)
  • localhost:4567/stops?max_lat=<LAT>&max_lon=<LON>&min_lat=<LAT>&min_lon=<LON>&feed=<FEED-ID> - query stops by bounding box for feed(s)
  • localhost:4567/stops?lat=<LAT>&lon=<LON>&radius=<RADIUS_KM>&feed=<FEED-ID> - query stops by lat/lon and radius for feed(s)
  • localhost:4567/routes?feed=<FEED-ID> - list all routes for feed(s)
  • localhost:4567/routes?name=<STRING-QUERY>&feed=<FEED-ID> - query routes by name (best guess based on string provided) for feed(s)
  • localhost:4567/trips?feed=<FEED-ID> - list all trips for feed(s)
  • localhost:4567/trips?route=<ROUTE-ID>&feed=<FEED-ID> - query trips by route_id for feed(s)