- Create an Album model.
- An Album has a title, an artist, a songCount, a length (in seconds), and an imageUrl that is a link to that album’s art.
- A user should be able to see information about all the albums on the site.
- A user should be able to add albums to the site.
- Clone repo from github: https://github.com/evanslaton/spring
- Create a database called album_app
- Create an application.properties file inside of the resources directory and add the following:
- spring.datasource.platform=postgres
- spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:/album_app
- spring.datasource.username=
- spring.datasource.password=
- spring.jpa.generate-ddl=true // Add this line if it doesn't work the first time you run the app
- spring.jpq.hibernate.ddl-auto=create
- Gradle command to run: ./gradlew bootrun