
Interconnect and I/O components/devices for the MR FPGA computer system

Primary LanguageVerilog

MR system hardware components

1.0, 24 August 2022

This repository is a library of components designed for the MR system project.

(The MR CPU and MR top-level system are separate repositories, as are firmware/Linux software. Cross-links TBD)

As with the rest of the MR system, these have been developed with the "blissful intentionally-NIH" principle, for the enjoyment/edification of reinventing the wheel. I would never suggest this is a good principle for real work. But this is fun, not real work. ,o/

These components might be useful to someone elsewhere, or as the basis for other things. It'd be great to hear from you if there's something of use to you.

This README is a tour of the components: interconnects, UARTs, an interrupt controller, video, SD, I2S, SPI, GPIO, etc.

First up: the namesake of this repository is MIC, the MR InterConnect (or Matt Interconnect :P ) common interface. This is an interface (and system interconnect providing said interfaces) to handle read/write transactions, to construct a memory system.

MR InterConnect (MIC)

The goals of MIC were:

  • To enjoy designing an interconnect (!)
  • High-ish performance, fully pipelined
  • Relatively easy to design a requester, and a completer
  • Easily-composable interconnect, so SoC shape can be changed without too much fuss

The interface is lightly documented in doc/mic.txt. In short, a requester or completer have two channels (in and out). Each channel uses a ready/valid semantic (relative to the direction, e.g. the "transmitter" goes valid and the "receiver" receives if ready). Each channel is 64b wide, and carries packets. A packet has one beat (valid data transfer) of a header which gives the address and request type (read/write); packets making a write request also contain write data after the header. The response packet for a read contains read data; a write response has no data.

A transaction is always a pair of packets: a request out, and a completion back. Transactions are non-posted and address-routed.

There aren't multiple channels like AXI; there aren't loads of signals like WB Pipelined Uber 2000. It's simple and easy to debug. The interconnect is split-transaction (requests can pass each other, or be made to different completers without blocking), but not (currently) out-of-order. Responses are always returned to the requester in the order the requests were made. A requester can make multiple outstanding requests, or one at a time; a completer can accept >1 or one at a time.

That said, a pipelined burst transfer at 8 byte width gets a pretty decent bandwidth.

The MIC implementation in this repository has several classes of component:

  • Things that are used to build the core interconnect itself
  • Things that are requesters (have a MIC out/request port)
  • Things that are completers (have a MIC in/completer port)
  • Helper components that are re-used to simplify building requesters

The core interconnect is constructed from "steers" and "merges", in a DAG. For example, take the path downstream from one of several requesters to one of several completers: a steer component is a demultiplexer and selects (by address) between one of several branches to a downstream component (which may itself further select other branches). A merge component downstream is a multiplexer and "funnels" in requests from various sources. Each step logs the routing path taken to the completer; the response packet is routed back based on this breadcrumb log.

         R0             R1
         |               |
       __|___         ___|__
      /______\       /______\   <- 1:2 Steers
        |   \         /   |
        |     \     /     |
        |       \ /       |
        |       / \       |
        |     /     \     |
        |   /         \   |
      __|_/___       ___\_|__
      \______/       \______/   <- 2:1 Merges
         |               |
         C0             C1


Easily-composable interconnect parts

A few crossbar interconnect "shapes" are provided:

  • src/mic_4r1c.v: 4 requesters into 1 downstream
  • src/mic_4r2c.v: 4 requesters into 2 downstream
  • src/mic_4r4c.v: 4 requesters into 4 downstream
  • src/mic_1r2c.v: 1 input/requester into 2 downstream

These can be stacked and composed arbitrarily: for example, 7 requesters can be accommodated using the 4x4 with a 4x1 plugged into one of the request ports "on top". The 1x2 can be used to share a downstream port between 2 completers (or other downstream interconnects). At a given component, the incoming address space is split according to the number of completers: no split, /2, /4.

There are 8 bits of route, meaning up to 256 request ports can be acommodated (this includes intermediate/nested ports). Interconnects can also be asymmetric in depth: for example, the MR SoC puts the CPU and main memory directly on a 4x4 interconnect for minimum latency, but stacked interconnects are used for less-important requesters at the top, and less-important memories/peripherals at the bottom.

Note some devices might attach "twice": an APB port "in" for making MMIO requests into it (for programming), and a MIC port "out" for DMA.

These interconnects are themselves made from merge/steer components which can be used to create new configurations (though it's a lot of typing; just stack the existing ones):

  • src/i_merge.v
  • src/i_merge4.v
  • src/i_steer.v
  • src/i_steer4.v

A special completer component, src/s_mic_apb.v, bridges into APB. This allows simple (cheap) MMIO peripherals to be accessed from MIC requesters.

The src/mic_m_if.v component implements requester logic in one common place: all of my DMA-capable devices re-use this instead of trying to implement MIC request ports themselves.

Finally, some submodule components not used directly: src/double_latch.v, src/mic_ben_dec.v.

Serial/bytestream components

This class of components has a certain "pluggability" too. The plain old UART, src/apb_uart.v, is internally composed of an src/apb_uart_regif.v which provides the software-visible register interface via APB, plus a "backend" src/bytestream_uart.v which implements the async line comms.

The point here is the two talk over a generic 8-bit bidirectional ready/valid "bytestream" interface, so we can re-use either side elsewhere:

  • The src/apb_uart_ft232.v component provides a UART-like software view, but its src/bytestream_ft232.v backend talks to an FTDI FT232 FIFO parallel interface (not serial).

  • The src/apb_uart_ps2.v component uses src/bytestream_ps2.v to give a PS/2 physical interface (keyboard/mouse), presented with the familiar UART register model.

Debug host interface

Another user of the bytestream interface is a debug host interface, src/r_debug.v.

This can be coupled to a bytestream_uart or bytestream_ft232 to interface to a host machine, and receives commands from that host. The commands are a superset of the simple LiteX read/write protocol. This component allows a host computer to read/write FPGA SoC memory -- I use this for downloading kernels directly into RAM on boot.

(Host-side clients are in the MR-sys project.)


A system needs an exciting synthesised startup chime (genuinely good for debugging); src/r_i2s_apb.v is an I2S audio interface. Registers programmed via APB, audio is DMA'd via MIC. (Perhaps slight overkill; to save some resources, this would be a good client of a generic "DMA fetcher" unit.)

The format and sample rate are currently static build-time configurations. I use 44.1KHz stereo 24-bit I2S. A hardware volume control is provided (which uses a multiplier/DSP block).


A PIO SPI interface (APB-only, no DMA): src/apb_spi.v


An APB-based interrupt controller, src/apb_intc.v, reimplementing the Xilinx XPS interrupt controller core's software interface. This can therefore be used with the Linux xps_intc driver.

This is super-simple, parameterisable with number of IRQs, a configurable subset of which are level vs edge.


A trivial GPIO (32 in, 32 out, no bidirectional) interface: src/apb_SIO.v

LCDC/video controller

src/m_lcdc_apb.v turns MIC DMA requests into beautiful video :P Generates timing, supports palettised 1/2/4/8bpp modes plus true-colour 16/32bpp modes. Uses an external pixel clock. Provides blank/DE signals for LCDs or DVI parts.

Memory controllers

FPGA Block RAM memory: src/s_bram.v

(This doesn't directly instantiate memories, so should synthesise for varied technologies. I just said "should" and "fragile memory inference" in the same sentence, ha.)

External pipelined ZBT static RAM controller: src/s_ssram.v

(Note in the tour of components so far, we can store data, access it through an interconnect, and concurrently produce video and audio.)

SD host

Now things are really getting fun...

The src/sd.v component provides a decent SD host controller. (As you might expect from the hierarchical names, the following are internal components of the SD controller: src/sd_cmd.v, src/sd_crc16.v, src/sd_crc7.v, src/sd_crg.v, src/sd_data_rx.v, src/sd_data_tx.v, src/sd_dma_ctrl_mic.v, src/sd_dma_rx_fifo.v, src/sd_dma_tx_fifo.v, src/sd_regs.vh)

Features are:

  • Supports SDR25 4-bit transfers (12.5MB/s)
  • (Supports SDR at up to sysclk/2 rates, actually)
  • Full DMA support for data transfers
  • Hardware CRC for data TX/RX
  • Supports CMD23 multi-block reads/large block transfers

(Linux driver is good/working, in a repo elsewhere. TBD)

It doesn't yet support SDIO, but this is possible. It'd be nice to find a free && good simulation model for SDIO; an enjoyable compromise would be cosimulation via real GPIO pins and a real SDIO device. 🤘😁 In future I might also look at more complicated/faster PHYs, but SDR25 (or thereabouts) is fast enough for the slow MR CPU.

Misc components

Finally, there are a bunch of less-interesting components that are either used by previous devices (src/outff.v, src/simple_fifo.v) or are specialist test thingoes (src/m_blockcopy_apb.v, src/m_memtest_apb.v), or are useful simulation/testbench components:

  • src/mic_sim.v
  • src/m_memtest.v
  • src/m_pktgen.v
  • src/m_pktsink.v
  • src/m_requester.v
  • src/s_responder.v
  • src/rng.v

Copyright & Licence

Unless otherwise specified in a particular file,

Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Matt Evans

This work is licenced under the Solderpad Hardware License v2.1. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/.