
Rudimentary functionality of sentential logic written in Clojure.

Primary LanguageClojure

Sentential Logic

The sentential logic (aka propositional logic) is the simplest, and often first area broached when exploring Mathematical Logic. Propositional logic consists of simple statements, or premises. There are no quantified variables in propositional logic, and there are no user-defined predicates. There are simply premises and the familiar sentential connectives:

  • OR, AND, If/Then (->), NOT, If and only If (<->)


This project is a bit of a toy project of mine for exploring Clojure, and for playing with some concepts from classical logic. The code for compiling a sentence is very crude, and should not be looked at as a proper way for parsing / processing strings. A better way would be to create a lexer and use the lexer to parse input strings into tokens. But such an implementation will have to wait.



The concept of a tautology is foundational to logic. Tautological implications (e.g., syllogism) and equivalences (e.g., DeMorgan's Laws) are building blocks of inference. You can try to see if a given sentence is a tautology as follows:

; Modus Ponens
(is-tautology? (compile-sentence '(((NOT p) AND (p OR q)) -> q)))

; One of DeMorgan's Laws
(is-tautology? (compile-sentence '((NOT (p AND q)) <-> ((NOT p) OR (NOT q)))))

As you can see, some symbols have been defined for the logic sentential connectives for implication and equivalence.

The function compile-sentence can be used to analyze a given sentence for syntactical correctness. A data structure is returned that encapsulates 4 things:

  1. a boolean indicating if the provided sentence was syntactically valid or not
  2. your sentence converted to a Clojure form
  3. your sentence repeated back
  4. a set of the unique atomic premises that make up the sentence
(compile-sentence '(NOT (NOT (p AND q))

=> (true (not (not (and p q))) (NOT (NOT (p AND q))) #{q p})

If you provide an invalid sentence, the data structure is returned will tell you so, along with a hint as to what is wrong with your input.

; Invalid sentence
(compile-sentence '(p OR))

=> (false nil (p _ _) nil)

; Another invalid sentence
(compile-sentence '(p q)

=> (false nil (p _ q) nil)

The 3rd element of the return data structure is a sentence containing underscores attempting to hint where you went afoul.

More Tautologies

Modus Ponens and DeMorgan were shown above. There are of course several other useful tautological implications that are used when attempting to logically derive (deduce) a statement from a given set of premises.

Law of Detachment

(is-tautology? (compile-sentence '((p AND (p -> q)) -> q)))

=> true 

(is-tautology? (compile-sentence '(((r OR z) AND ((r OR z) -> q)) -> q)))

=> true

Law of Hypothetical Syllogism

       (compile-sentence '(((p -> q) AND (q -> r)) -> (p -> r))))

=> true

There are many other common tautological implications and equivalences. Take a look at the unit tests (in mathcomptools.test.logic.propositional) for more examples.

Consistency of a set of Premises

Consistency of a given set of premises is a useful thing to be able to determine. A set of premises are said to be consistent if the conjugation of them is true for at least 1 interpretation of the premises.

       (compile-sentence 'p)
       (compile-sentence 'q)
       (compile-sentence '(p -> q)))

=> true

       (compile-sentence 'p)
       (compile-sentence 'q)
       (compile-sentence '(NOT (p -> q)))
       (compile-sentence '(p -> q)))

=> false

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