Created to improve a website that doesn't exist (and because memes)
##What is GreaseYETI?
GreaseYETI is a GreaseMonkey script that adds many useful features to LL
- Expand thumbnails with a click
- Resize large images so they don't stretch the page
- Embed Imgur webms/gifs
- Autoscroll the page when new messages are posted
- Chat mode for following fast-moving topics
- CTRL + [KEY] keystrokes for inserting bold, italic, etc tags
- Autoloads the next page of topics on topic lists
- integration into posts
- Let you know of new posts in the title
- Options to remove and highlight any topic
- Quick button to open new posts from the topic list
- Custom formats for page titles
- Highlighting of topics and posts of any user
- "Like" posts or "Repeat" posts
- Preserving typed messages when switching pages, alerts when closing the window on a long typed message
- Add custom CSS to LL
... and some more too
This fork of GreaseYETI (updated from the 2.23 source by headbanger at introduces a much requested feature... an ignorator which can do the following:
- Hide posts and topics from annoying users
- Automatically update to ignore users if they change their username
- Hide portions of posts which quote ignorated users
- Ignore posts containing certain regex/key words
- Various UI options
- Click the "Get it here" link above.
- After installing, go to the settings page:
- Pick and choose how you want shit to be
- Don't forget to save!
The latest STABLE version of this fork can always be found on the master branch!
GreaseYETI adds a link in your user profile to your settings page. (see installation #2)
- This is a long script that does a bunch of shit. It's going to be buggy, but if you let me know in this topic or over PM about some problems, I can try to help you fix them and release bug fixed versions.
- If you're using Chrome, you'll need Tampermonkey. No idea how this works in Opera/IE/Safari. Tampermonkey:
- Let me know if there are other features you'd like me to add.