- 6
Generated components contain a lot of duplication
#450 opened by vRallev - 6
- 1
- 6
- 4
Suppress Warnings in Generated Code with `@file:Suppress("REDUNDANT_VISIBILITY_MODIFIER")`
#459 opened by leinardi - 2
[KSP2] kotlin-inject doesn't link typealiases for functions to their function
#458 opened by ZacSweers - 4
How to inject WorkManager?
#419 opened by Monabr - 2
- 5
- 9
- 8
- 1
kotlin-inject generates dead code
#451 opened by vRallev - 0
Generated broken code
#449 opened by vRallev - 0
- 0
Implementations not generated for abstract properties if Component superclass is a typealias
#443 opened by eygraber - 0
Different behavior between extension property and function when providing a scoped class using `@Qualifier` annotations
#423 opened by AdriaBosch - 5
#430 opened by ursusursus - 9
Critical obfuscation issue.
#417 opened by Monabr - 0
The order of dependencies with `@Qualifier` annotation modifies the scope of the dependency.
#424 opened by AdriaBosch - 1
- 1
Checking for cyclic dependencies
#421 opened by Monabr - 1
- 2
NoSuchElementException when tracing a missing dependency and the root is a type parameter
#426 opened by eygraber - 5
Support multiple scopes for components
#433 opened by vRallev - 3
- 3
Performance vs dagger?
#429 opened by ursusursus - 3
IosMain does not see generated code in Build folder.
#428 opened by Monabr - 5
- 2
How to create ViewModel in Jetpack Compose?
#418 opened by Monabr - 7
Implementation for scoped components
#416 opened by Al3xCalibur - 6
- 0
- 5
- 1
- 1
Is nesting @Assisted possible?
#407 opened by ursusursus - 2
- 1
- 2
There seem to be no way to define bindings in a separate file (like module for dagger)
#402 opened by sergeshustoff - 3
- 5
- 1
Kotlin 2.0.0
#387 opened by hovadur - 5
- 0
- 2
Support arguments for scope annotations
#377 opened by vRallev - 3
Fragment requires an empty constructor
#382 opened by M-Miyazako - 2
- 1
Implemented function still considered abstract
#375 opened by vRallev - 1
Support @IntoSet for superclass
#368 opened by rnett - 3
Interface Bindings
#367 opened by jamesalee213 - 4
Kotlin Delegation Support?
#366 opened by jamesalee213