

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Christina's Website


Running the command will tell you how to look at the site on your computer

I am an isomorphic React + Next.JS project.


This is a React Project utilizing next.js and react-bootstrap

  • You can run a local server with npm run dev
    • You will need homebrew (https://brew.sh/)
    • You will need node.js installed (brew install node)


  • npm install

Running in Development (on your laptop)

  • npm run dev

Testing like the server does

  • npm test

Building for Production

The master branch of this repository is automatically deployed to github pages by circle.ci when the build is green


We use standard.js to manage our lint rules. We run standard as part of our test suite, and your contributions must pass. Standard is very opinionated and inflexible such that we cannot inject our own opinions. There are no eslint/jshint files to manage in this project.


  • we use a default boostrap CSS file
  • all components provide thier own CSS inline