Hide messages in PNG images. Encodes data with subtle transparency changes.
Make sure that Go is installed and your PATH includes GOBIN. Then run the following:
$ go get -u github.com/evantbyrne/pngsecret
Note: The $
at the beginning of newlines in this document represents the bash shell prompt, and is not a part of the actual commands.
$ pngsecret
usage: pngsecret [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
Hide messages in PNG images.
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
help [<command>...]
Show help.
decode <file_in>
Decode a message.
encode <file_in> <file_out> <message>
Encode a message.
Add a secret message to a PNG:
$ pngsecret encode cat.png totally-normal-cat-picture.png "Hello, World"
Decode a PNG:
$ pngsecret decode totally-normal-cat-picture.png
Hello, World