
Tracks the busyness of the SCE club room using ESP32s and sound sensors.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Using ESP32s, sound sensors and Google Cloud Platform, this project tracks the noise levels of the Software and Computer Engineering Society's club room.

Project Folder Description

The project is split into three folders, GoogleCloud SoundRead and StudentWebsite.

  • GoogleCloud: Contains the code for the functions that are executed in the cloud to handle published messages.
  • SoundRead: Holds all of the code that is flashed onto the ESP32 to read noise and publish the data to a Google PubSub topic.
  • StudentWebsite: Holds all of the website code, written using React.js, to read the room's current noise level and past readings.

To Run the Student Website

  1. Install Node.js
  • You can verify the installation by entering node --version in your terminal
  1. With node installed, clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/evanugarte/SmartNoiseSense or download the .zip file
  2. Enter the directory with cd SmartNoiseSense/StudentWebsite
  3. Install dependencies with npm install
  4. Run the website with npm run start

Technologies Used


Google Cloud Platform

Google IoT Core

Google Cloud IoT Arduino Library


OpenSSL Elliptic Curve Cryptography


ESP32 Microcontroller

Sparkfun Sound Sensor

Arduino IDE




Special Thanks

Software and Computer Engineering Society (SCE)

Khalil Estell

Pranav Patil

You, the reader