

Using Amazon Rekognition, this application categorizes photos uploaded by users and allows photos to be shared between account.

Class/Contributor Info

Professor: Sanjay Garje

Students: Minh Phan, Evan Ugarte, Yanyan Yang, Roy Zhang

Project Introduction:

  • Upload, Delete and Search for Photos
  • Uses AWS Rekognition to automatically categorize photos when they are uploaded
  • Users can retrieve photos based on autogenerated tags

Sample Demo Screenshots

Custom Sign in

Custom Sign In

Social Page Photo

Social Page

Social Page Shared Photo

Social Page

Upload Image

Upload Page

Viewing All Tags

All tags

Finding Uploaded Image by Tag

Image by tag

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Pre-Requisites Setup

You need Node.js and Redux DevTools prior to installing.

  • Install Node.js
    • Install the latest Node version from the Node.js website for your proper OS.
  • Install Redux Devtools
    • Install the latest Redux DevTools from the Google Chrome extension store.

Running the Project Locally

With Node and Redux DevTools installed, clone this repository with

git clone
  • In Command Prompt:
    1. Go to file location in your machine: cd SmartPhotoCategorizer
    2. Install all dependencies with
    npm install && cd back-end && npm install
    1. To run the program:
    • To first start the backend, enter the back-end folder and start the server with
    cd back-end && npm start
    • Then, in the SmartPhotoCategorizer folder, run
      npm run start
    • The application should open in the browser shortly after.

Cloud Services

  • S3 buckets to hold images and stage website
  • DynamoDB tables to store user information and references to photo objects
  • Route53 for domain name and routing
  • ELB, ASG, and EC2 to host our server and direct traffic
  • CloudFront for content delivery
  • SNS and CloudWatch for notifications about our system
  • Rekognition for label detection on images
  • Cognito user pool for user authentication