
Data Alexa Skill for Big Parser

Primary LanguagePython

Data Alexa Skill

Data Alexa Skill for Big Parser


  • dryscrape requires webkit-server which in turn requires qt5. Ensure you have qt5 installed on your system before installing dryscrape

  • Ensure Xvfb is installed, as it is required to run auth.py headless

  • Install required initial packages pip install --user virtualenv autoenv

  • Add source /usr/bin/activate.sh to ~/.bashrc

  • Create a virtualenv using virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute -p <PATH TO PYTHON 3 EXECUTABLE> <NAME>

  • Edit .env and change the empty strings to their appropriate values, as well as changing the line beginning with source to have the correct directory of the project

  • cd into the project root directory and autoenv should activate

  • Install the required packages using pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Go to the pygsheets documentation and follow the instructions for OAuth Credentials

  • Run auth.py and copy the url from the program to browser and authorize the application with Google

  • The url should give a verification code to be pasted back into the program

  • Rename client_secretxxx.json to client_secret.json