
Demo app showing how to setup OpenVPN server using AWS CDK

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Setup Steps

Follow the steps below to setup a new OpenVPN server.

  1. Setup a new Route53 hosted zone and register with a domain name. Get the domain name and hosted zone id.

  2. Upload SSM parameters to the approprivate cloud with the following commands:

# update the Route53 Hosted Zone ID
aws ssm put-parameter --name "openvpn-hosted-zone" --value <hosted-zone-value> --type String 

# update the Route53 domain name
aws ssm put-parameter --name "openvpn-zone-name" --value <domain-name-value> --type String 

# update the openvpn admin password
aws ssm put-parameter --name "openvpn-admin-passwd" --value <admin-password> --type String

# update the EC2 keyname for SSH access
aws ssm put-parameter --name "openvpn-keyname" --value <keyname> --type String

# update the openvpn username
aws ssm put-parameter --name "openvpn-user-name" --value <user-name> --type String

# update the openvpn user password
aws ssm put-parameter --name "openvpn-user-passwd" --value <user-password> --type String
  1. Accept OpenVpn license agreement if not already accepted.

  2. Run the CDK deploy commands: cdk deploy