
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

ToastBar - Jetpack Compose

A custom toastbar to display short messages to the user.


Toast Levels

  • Info: Low priority level, use to show informational messages

  • Warning: Medium priority level, use to show warning messages

  • Error: High priority level, use to show error messages

  • Success: High priority level, use to show success messages

Getting Started

Step 1. Include repository jitpack io in gradle (project).

allprojects {
    repositories {
 	maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency in gradle (app).

dependencies {

How to use the component?

setContent {
    YourTheme {
        val toastState = rememberToastState()
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
        ) {
            Button(onClick = { toastState.display() }) {
                Text(text = "Show toast")
            toastState = toastState, // Handle toast visibility
            message = "Write here your message",
            toastLevel = ToastLevel.INFO, // ToastLevel.WARNING, ToastLevel.ERROR or ToastLevel.SUCCESS
            textStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium, // Override text style here
            iconStatusIsVisible = true, // Show or hide icon level in toast
            timerDuration = 2000L, // time in millis
            alignment = ToastAlignment.TOP, // or ToastAlignment.BOTTOM
            toastLevelColors = ToastLevelColors.colors(isDarkTheme = isSystemInDarkTheme()), // override colors here
            onDismiss = {} // Observe close event
Param Description
modifier Modifications of padding and positioning.
toastState Manipulates the visibility state of the toast.
message Message to be displayed.
textStyle Text style to be applied to the message.
timerDuration Length of time the message will remain active.
iconStatusIsVisible Show or hide the status icon defined in toastLevel
toastLevelColors Set background color according to levels.
toastLevel Toast message level, can be INFO, WARNING, ERROR, SUCCESS.
alignment Determines where the message will be aligned. Top, Bottom
onDismiss Message closing listener.