
👩‍💻📄 My GitHub profile readme repository

👩‍💻 I'm currently working on...

Webfront Studio logo

Webfront Studio! There is a gap in accessible website generators that don't require development experience. So, I am aiming to produce an accessible and open source website creator geared towards small businesses and organizations.

🌈 Goals

  • Entirely open and transparent, including the source code
  • Feature a content management system that guides users into making accessible and inclusive content
  • Require no development knowledge from small organizations
  • Be self-hostable and extensible for developers

💼 I'm currently working at...

Blue Origin! I am developing web applications with delightful user experiences that put people and payloads in space. 🚀🌌

Learn more on my LinkedIn.

🕗 Some interesting past work...

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Adding strong TypeScript typings for Bind Deep (bind-deep). The first draft was undoubtedly a challenge, but so worth it!

Will Mutate (will-mutate) is a Babel plugin that alerts if a mutation event occurred on inputted objects — essentially, a silly version of TypeScript read-only types... but at runtime. And oh golly, does it make use of ES6 Proxies.

My overengineered portfolio! Fun fact, the background header image is generated using an offscreen canvas using the user agent string, so take a peek at it on a few devices!

Rocketry.js is my mega project where I control RGB lights and buttons on MIDI controllers. It's an exciting take on hardware control using TypeScript.

Occasionally I will also work on my glitch art style pixel sorting web application that uses off the main thread scripting in React.