Tanooki Rails Template

This repository holds the Rails application template referred to in our kickoff developer guide.


  • Find the newest version of ruby that heroku supports and make sure you're using it (via ruby --version)
  • Clone/create a directory for your rails app and move into it
  • Run rails new with the template with these commands:
gem install rails --no-document
gem update bundler
rails new . -T --webpack --database=postgresql -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TanookiLabs/tanooki-rails-template/master/rails-kickoff-template.rb

Note that you may also use --webpack=react or --webpack=stimulus during the rails new command if you already know you will be using one of these frameworks

  • Clean up Gemfile
  • Refer back to the kickoff guide and make sure you've followed the Heroku Checklist

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