- 0
Event Processor
#46 opened by lefig - 0
Not compatible with .NET Core 1.1
#44 opened by Rajivhost - 0
EvenTestKit on nuget
#45 opened by Rajivhost - 1
Not using Akka Persistence
#43 opened by petersondrew - 0
Add Support for SQLite
#38 opened by DamianReeves - 4
PayloadFormat in IPersistedRawEvent and IUnpersistedRawEvent should maybe be a string to allow specification of mime contentType
#39 opened by DamianReeves - 0
- 1
Nuget packages created by the current build script causes script versioning of all dependencies. Akka is propably the only one where strict versioning is required.
#24 opened by DamianReeves - 1
Can we Have a Full Sample?
#34 opened by VirtualRichard - 0
- 3
- 4
Agregate: Persistence callback is not called after persisting an event in an Aggregate
#27 opened by DamianReeves - 2
Projections on External Stores
#12 opened by nvivo - 1
- 6
- 2
Support for non-sql event stores.
#23 opened by cduhard - 9
Create an automated build script.
#5 opened by DamianReeves - 6
Support for mono
#16 opened by promontis - 5
Should Even be owned by an organization?
#18 opened by DamianReeves - 2
Instrumentation and Statistics
#13 opened by nvivo - 3
Write an overview of the architecture as it is
#7 opened by nvivo - 0
Implement the SQL Server Store
#14 opened by nvivo - 0
Implement the MySql Store
#15 opened by nvivo - 1
Downgrade Even to at least .NET 4.5.2
#10 opened by DamianReeves - 4
How do you query a projection?
#8 opened by DamianReeves - 10
Roadmap for first release
#2 opened by nvivo - 0
Create a "Getting Started" section
#6 opened by nvivo - 4
Doesn't compile whe retrieved
#3 opened by DamianReeves - 5
EventStore support
#1 opened by Rajivhost