
A basic Status Board table view for showing Ruters public transportation departures.

Primary LanguagePHP

Ruter Panel for Status Board

Gives you the departure times for public transport in Oslo and surrounding areas. Inspired by SB_BL.

How to install?

  1. Clone this repo or download a zip
  2. Upload to the webserver of your choice
  3. Edit config.php

How to set up?

  1. Please register to use Ruters open API.
  2. Find your stop ID at ruter.no. Go to the real time tab and search for your stop. The ID should be in URL.
    Example: For the stop Nationaltheateret [T-bane] the URL is http://reiseplanlegger.ruter.no/no/Stoppested/(3010031)Nationalth [...] and the stop ID is 3010031.
  3. Add your stop to the config.php if you want this to be the default location, otherwhise use it as an URL parameter.
  4. If you want to enable static filtering of lines, edit the array in config.php. This will override the URL parameter.

How to use?

  1. Add a new table view in Status Board. The URL is different depending on whether you have set a static stop in config.phpor not.
    1. If set: http://yourserver.com/sb-ruter/ruter.php?direction=(1|2)
    2. If not set: http://yourserver.com/sb-ruter/ruter.php?stop=XXXXXX&direction=(1|2)
  2. You can optionally filter out the lines you want to see by adding &filter=11,17 to the URL. This will only show lines 11 and 17.
  3. If you want to ignore departures leaving in less than X minutes, uncomment line 5 in config.php and modify to suit your needs.


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If you find any bugs, please open an issue.