
:mag_right: :dizzy: Transfrom automatically Express.js req.query into TypeORM findOptions queries.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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TypeORM Express Query Builder

Easily transform an Express req.query into TypeORM query

Contributing · License

TypeORM Express Query Builder

This library allows you to transfrom automatically Express.js req.query into TypeORM findOptions queries.


npm install typeorm-express-query-builder

How it works?


Use QueryBuilder export from package and pass your req.query as an argument:

import QueryBuilder from 'typeorm-express-query-builder'

const builder = new QueryBuilder(req.query)
const builtQuery = builder.build()
// Now your query is built, pass it to your TypeORM repository
const results = await fooRepository.find(builtQuery)

Given the following url query string:


It will be transformed into:

  where: {
    foo: Like('%foo%'),
    role: In(['admin', 'common']),
    age: MoreThanOrEqual(18)
  skip: 20,
  take: 10

Different ways of retrieve data

GET, POST method by url query string

GET foo/?name__contains=foo&role__in=admin,common&age__gte=18&page=3&limit=10

POST foo/?name__contains=foo&role__in=admin,common&age__gte=18&page=3&limit=10

app.get('/foo', (req, res) => {
  const queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(req.query) // => Parsed into req.query
  const built = queryBuilder.build()

POST method by body

POST foo/, body: {
  "name__contains": "foo",
  "role__in": "admin,common",
  "age__gte": 18,
  "page": 3,
  "limit": 10
app.post('/foo', (req, res) => {
  const queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(req.body) // => Parsed into req.body
  const built = queryBuilder.build()

Available Lookups

Lookup Behaviour Example
(none) Return entries that match with value foo=raul
contains Return entries that contains value foo__contains=lopez
startswith Return entries that starts with value foo__startswith=r
endswith Return entries that ends with value foo__endswith=dev
isnull Return entries with null value foo__isnull
lt Return entries with value less than or equal to provided foo__lt=18
lte Return entries with value less than provided foo__lte=18
gt Returns entries with value greater than provided foo__gt=18
gte Return entries with value greater than or equal to provided foo__gte=18
in Return entries that match with values in list foo__in=admin,common
between Return entries in range foo__between=1,27

Notice: you can use negative logic prefixing lookup with __not.

Example: foo__not__contains=value



Option Default Behaviour Example
pagination true If true, paginate results. If false, disable pagination pagination=false
page 1 Return entries for page page page=2
limit 25 Return entries for page page paginated by size limit limit=15


Option Default Behaviour Example
order - Order for fields:
+: Ascendant
-: Descendant


Option Default Behaviour Example
select - Fields to select as response. If no provided, it select all fields. select=name,surname,foo.nested
with - Entity relations to attach to query with=posts,comments


If you need to disable some capabilities, you can do using shortcuts to enable|disable by default or provide a custom Profile.

A Profile describe capabilities that can be used by clients & its behaviour.

const qb = new QueryBuilder(req.query, 'enabled' | 'disabled' | ConfigProgile)


ConfigProfile object looks like:

const customProfile: ConfigProfile = {
  options: {
    pagination: {
      status: 'enabled',
      paginate: true,
      itemsPerPage: 25,
    ordering: {
      status: 'enabled',
    relations: {
      status: 'enabled',
    select: {
      status: 'enabled',
  policy: 'skip',
Field Default Behaviour Type
options 'enabled' Profile options ProfileOptions
policy 'skip' Policy to apply in cases client try use disabled options FindPolicyType