
Project about an App which is able to save vocabulary for an Idiom Language and then show the information with FlashCards, this FlashCards could be daily, weekly or monthly in order to increase vocabulary to an user.

Primary LanguageC#

VocabularyBuilder Project

Project about an App which is able to save vocabulary for an Idiom Language and then show the information with FlashCards, this FlashCards could be daily, weekly or monthly in order to increase vocabulary to an user.


This project was implemented with an structructure of Clean Architecture, Mediator Pattern, Domain Driven Design, Dependency Injection, and everything related of it.

Framework, package and tools

  • .Net Core 3.1
  • EF Core
  • MediatR
  • Automapper
  • FluentValidation
  • Fluent API
  • XUnit
  • FakeItEasy
  • Swashbuckle
  • Identity
  • FuentAssertions
  • SqlServer
  • Ef Migrations


  1. Clone this repository
  2. At the root directory using PowerShell, type the following:
    dotnet restore
  3. Build the solution in order to check if everything is ok:
    dotnet build
  4. To update everything in the database you need to type the following in the root directory:
    dotnet ef database update --project src\Infrastructure\ --startup-project src\WebAPI
  5. To run the Backend move to src/WebAPI/ directory, and then execute the following:
    dotnet run
    You will see something like this:
    alt text