
Client-side Validation for AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

angular-validation 1.2.0

NPM version Build Status devDependency Status Gitter chat

Client-side Validation is easy.
That's why Angular Validation is here!
Don't let Client-side Validation Crash your project.


AngularJS > 1.2.0, 1.3.0-beta



http://plnkr.co/edit/rjIIkX (Bootstrap framework)




Install with npm

npm install angular-validation

Using angular-validation

<script src="dist/angular-validation.js"></script>
<script src="dist/angular-validation-rule.js"></script>
angular.module('yourApp', ['validation']);

// including your validation rule
angular.module('yourApp', ['validation', 'validation.rule']);

Writing your Code

Add Valid Message (error, success) for validation required
required-error-message and required-success-message

<input type="text"
       required-success-message="Good Required"/>
       <!-- or you can try
       required-error-message="{{ RequiredMsg }}"

Add Valid Message (error, success) for validation email
email-error-message and email-success-message

<input type="text"
       email-error-message="Error Email"
       email-success-message="Good Email"/>

Use Default Valid Message
you don't need to give valid message

<input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number"/>

Don't show the Valid Message no-validation-message="true"

<input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number" no-validation-message="true"/>
<!-- or {{ your.Scope.Name }} -->
<input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number" no-validation-message="{{ noValidationMessage }}"/>

Add Valid Callback Function, invalid-callback & valid-callback

<label>Required (Invalid Callback alert)</label>
<input type="text" name="requiredCallback" ng-model="form.requiredCallback" validator="required" invalid-callback='error("Must be Required");'/>

Select the validation method watch blur submit submit-only, default as watch
validationProvider.validate(form).success(callback).error(callback) use callback to continue your submit

<label>Watch method</label>
<input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number" valid-method="watch"/>
<input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number"/>

<label>Blur method</label>
<input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number" valid-method="blur"/>

<label>Submit method</label>
<form name="Form">
    <input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number" valid-method="submit"/>
    <button ng-click="form.submit(Form)"></button>

<label>Submit Only method</label>
<form name="Form">
    <input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number" valid-method="submit-only"/>
    <button ng-click="form.submit(Form)"></button>

    // ... validate method, it will check `checkValid(Form)`
    $scope.form = {
        submit: function (form) {
    // ...

<!-- In angular validation 1.2.0
     More easy, more clean in your js code -->

<form name="Form">
    <input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number" valid-method="submit-only"/>
    <button validation-submit="Form" ng-click="form.submit()"></button>

    // Don't need include $validationProvider.validate() anymore
    $scope.form = {
        submit: function () {
            // your ng-click success callback

<!-- Clean, right ? -->

Setup a new Validation setExpression() setDefaultMsg() with RegExp or Function in config phase

<!-- View -->
<label>IP address (Custom setup the new validator - RegExp)</label>
<input type="text" name="ip" ng-model="form.ip" validator="ip"/>

<label>Huei (Custom setup the new validator - Function)</label>
<input type="text" name="huei" ng-model="form.huei" validator="huei"/>
// your module
angular.module('yourApp', ['validation'])
    .config(['$validationProvider', function ($validationProvider) {
        // Setup `ip` validation
        var expression = {
            ip: /^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/

        var validMsg = {
            ip: {
                error: 'This isn\'t ip address',
                success: 'It\'s ip'

        validationProvider.setExpression(expression) // set expression
                          .setDefaultMsg(validMsg); // set valid message

        // Setup `huei` validation
                huei: function (value, scope, element, attrs) {
                    return value === 'Huei Tan';
                    // or you can do
                    return $q.all([obj]).then(function () {
                    // ...
                        return true;
                huei: {
                    error: 'This should be Huei Tan',
                    success: 'Thanks!'

Check form whether valid, return true if valid. checkValid()
Reset the specific Form. reset()

<form name="Form">
    <!-- Check the entire form valid from angular-validation `valid` -->
    <button ng-disabled="form.checkValid()"></button>
    <!-- or Check the specific form(Form) valid from angular `$valid` -->
    <button ng-disabled="form.checkValid(Form)"></button>
    <!-- Reset the specific Form -->
    <button ng-click="form.reset(Form)"></button>
    <!-- Clean Reset (angular validation 1.2.0) -->
    <button validation-reset="Form"></button>
    // ... checkValid
    $scope.form.checkValid = validationProvider.checkValid;
    // ... reset
    $scope.form.reset = function (form) {
    // ... angular validation 1.2.0 reset
    $scope.form.reset = function () {
        // Don't need include validationProvider.reset();
        // Focus on your ng-click action

Set the valid/invalid message style CSS

<span><p class="validation-valid">Your valid message here<p></span>
<span><p class="validation-invalid">Your invalid message here<p></span>
.validation-valid {
    <!-- valid style -->

.validation-invalid {
    <!-- invalid style -->

Custom the valid/invalid message style HTML in .config(),
setErrorHTML(func) setSuccessHTML(func), input should be a function and given parameter which is the valid/invalid message declared in getDefaultMsg(),and finally return the HTML code

// your angular
.config(['$validationProvider', function ($validationProvider) {
    $validationProvider.setErrorHTML(function (msg) {
        // remember to return your HTML
        // eg: return '<p class="invalid">' + msg + '</p>';

    $validationProvider.setSuccessHTML(function (msg) {
        // eg: return '<p class="valid">' + msg + '</p>';

disable/enable show success/error message
default: true
Easily disable success/error message

// your angular
.config(['$validationProvider', function ($validationProvider) {
    $validationProvider.showSuccessMessage = false; // or true(default)
    $validationProvider.showErrorMessage = false; // or true(default)

Built-in validation in angular-validation-rule

  1. Required
  2. Url
  3. Email
  4. Number

Anyone can give a PR for this angular-validation for more built-in validation

Integrating with Twitter Bootstrap

To integrate this package with Bootstrap you should do the following.

Add the following LESS to your project

    .has-error .form-control;

label.has-error.control-label {
    .has-error .control-label;

Change the Error HTML to something like:

$validationProvider.setErrorHTML(function (msg) {
           return  "<label class=\"control-label has-error\">" + msg + "</label>";

You can add the bootstrap class .has-success in a similar fashion.


See release

Q & A

###Can I validate the form when init ? #10###

<form name="Form">
    <input type="text" name="number" ng-model="form.number" validator="number"/>
    <button id="button1111" ng-click="form.submit(Form)">Show</button>
$timeout(function () { // call $timeout to make sure the Form Constructor is generated
$validationProvider.validate($scope.Form); // $scope.Form is html form name `Form Constructor`

###What's the differentiate between validator-method submit and submit-only#4###

submit : when user click submit, then start watching using watch to validate
submit-only : when user click submit, doesn't validate through watch until submit button is clicked.

###When using checkValid() manually #19###

Before using checkValid(), you have to execute submit first to get the latest result.