
This is the repository for the Florida Polytechnic University Hackathon-Lite event.

Primary LanguageCSS


This is the repository that was used for my team's Florida Polytechnic University Hackathon-Lite Project. The Hackathon-Lite took place on 8/24/2019 and was a 6 hour hackathon.

Placement: 1st


Homework Reminder Service for students

Features To Implement

  • Create Backend Python REST API
  • Create a python script to email and text a user about due assignments
  • Front end web application


We created a reminder service in python so that students could sign up for text message and email reminders to do their homework. We also made a sign in dashboard so that students could visualize their upcoming assignments.

We created a Flask REST API in python so that our front-end application only recieved the information we wanted it to.

We also interacted with the Canvas LMS REST API to get the information we needed.