An elegant Hexo theme that supports lazy loading, PWA, Latex, and multiple commenting systems. 一款设计师风格的 Hexo 主题,支持懒加载、PWA、Latex以及多种评论系统。
- 1
[Bug]: 使用video插件标签视频显示过大
#426 opened by manman-dong - 1
[Bug]: about页面报异常
#422 opened by oojun - 1
[Feature]: pjax exclude
#420 opened by manman-dong - 2
[Bug]: 代码块显示错误 and 文章末版权显示问题
#418 opened by zephyr2233 - 2
[Bug]: 多人互动标识翻页不显示
#359 opened by Stars-harbor - 1
[Feature]: 加载头像希望可以自定义
#410 opened by Linux-qitong - 8
[Bug]: twikoo 无法加载
#404 opened by leaflyingl - 2
[Feature]: 關於簡繁轉換和其他語種翻譯的問題
#402 opened by kdglobalcom - 2
[Feature]: 优化postchat上传逻辑
#401 opened by Stars-harbor - 3
[Bug]: 切换颜色giscus不跟随切换
#398 opened by Linux-qitong - 5
[Feature]: gallery标签下的图片,在加载的时候挤在一起,加载完后才排版
#397 opened by Rakiendesu - 1
[Bug]: 侧边栏二维码组件不显示
#396 opened by VXenomac - 1
[Bug]: 关闭控制台时音乐胶囊无法正常播放音乐
#395 opened by HPCesia - 1
[Feature]: 手机端TOC
#386 opened by Loudomian - 1
[Feature]: 请问能否支持使用umami来代替51a的数据统计?
#391 opened by lingzs13 - 2
[Bug]: bing站长工具无法test live url,无法抓取robots.txt
#388 opened by leaflyingl - 3
[Bug]: Markdown序号生成后的问题
#387 opened by mc-sep - 7
[Bug]: 池塘无法加载,钓鱼可以加载并读到数据
#385 opened by AGEN233 - 1
[Bug]: 双评论无切换按钮
#380 opened by Linux-qitong - 0
[Bug]: 友链页头像重复显示
#379 opened by YzMzxl - 1
[Feature]: 手動設置文章的封面顏色
#374 opened by BlueWhaleYT - 1
[Bug]: 新版本首页样式显示存在问题
#369 opened by Stars-harbor - 1
[Bug]: 写入md的图片不显示?
#366 opened by rumian0 - 0
[Bug]: 在多次切换分类栏时,body上有重复的类名
#361 opened by tiny-sky - 0
[Bug]: 关于页面的 `award.enable: false` 无效
#357 opened by L33Z22L11 - 0
[Bug]: 文章过期提醒时间计算错误
#352 opened by Stars-harbor - 5
[Bug]: {% gallery %} 语法渲染出来的图片被折叠
#350 opened by Qxiaoqi - 2
[Bug]: markdown分割线无法渲染
#326 opened by Stars-harbor - 21
[Bug]: 升级/更新代码执行后,主题未升级成功
#325 opened by daxiangyanxishe - 1
[Feature]: 去掉banner的icon限制
#319 opened by smallmayi - 1
[Bug]: 标签页和分类页的文章不显示发布日期
#316 opened by xiaobaisky - 6
[Feature]: galleryGroup 相册图库支持分行参数
#297 opened by NooAcc - 3
[Feature]: 希望添加按钮 btns
#283 opened by MGHYGitHub - 4
[Feature]: 一些小要求可以还原一下吗awa
#309 opened by mc-sep - 3
#310 opened by Stars-harbor - 1
#306 opened by coutureone - 7
#303 opened by Stars-harbor - 12
[Feature]: 代码高亮
#304 opened by xiaoxiaoxiaoxiaocai - 11
[Bug]: 使用Hexon solitude主题后无法正确读取Hexo版本
#291 opened by ClassmateShen - 1
[Bug]: 双评论的切换问题
#299 opened by mc-sep - 5
[Bug]: 手机端的“左下跳转按钮”点击无反应
#298 opened by ycccccccy - 2
[Doc]: 主题的_config.yml到底以什么为准,配置文件本身和新文档不一致
#301 opened by AmenLi - 0
[Bug]: 中控台样式
#295 opened by btwoa - 2
[Bug]: btn按钮在折叠块 fold中显示异常
#289 opened by MGHYGitHub - 1
能不能将模板的yml打包 节省一些喜欢但是又没时间配置这么多细节的朋友
#275 opened by Elevzent - 2
#285 opened by jiangfeng0103 - 0
[Bug]: 最近评论无法加载表情
#279 opened by btwoa - 2
[Bug]: 中控台异常
#276 opened by icemyst - 0
[Bug]: 最后更新时间不能出来
#271 opened by coutureone - 7
[Feature]: 文章页面增加一个随机广告页面,通过_data下的 yaml 配置
#266 opened by jiangfeng0103