CrowdFlower Foreign Data Wrapper

CrowdFlower API v1 foreign data wrapper for PostgreSQL.


Install the python package. It must be accessible to PostgreSQL, so the easiest way is to install it globally.

git clone
cd crowdflower-fdw
python install

Install Multicorn and install the extensions.

make -C extension install

In your database run the following commands.

create extension plpgsql;
create extension multicorn;
create extension crowdflowerfdw;
select crowdflower.set_api_key('YOURAPIKEY');


Basic result query example:

select results #>> '{myfield, agg}', count(1)
from   crowdflower.job_result
where  job_id = 123123;

Get all the judgments:

select jsonb_array_elements_text(fields #> '{myfield, res}')
from   crowdflower.job_judgment
where  job_id = 123123;