
Front-end part of the Stargraph service

MIT LicenseMIT



Stargaph is a project that aim to offer Github users to see the progression of the number of stars over time on their Github repository. This project is seperated in several repositories:

  • The two main repositories for the project
  • The demo repositories that contains the proof of concept of the project
    • The demo frontend website source and website
    • Api example for Github authentication and usage of the Stargraph main repository Demo API


  • create a landing page design
  • choose the frontend frameworks
  • enable the user to sign up/sign in with github
  • show the user a welcome/explanation/fill in some details page
  • show the user a profile page where he can see the repositories already added to stargraph
  • allow the user click on a link to add a new repository
  • show a page for the user to select among it's Github repositories one or several to add to Stargraph