
Introduces media queries and scss structure, modular layouts, and CSS3 selectors

Primary LanguageCSS

Block Family

Set up:

  1. Run gulp. This project uses the Gulp + Livereload + Sass Project boilerplate, however all of this should already be set up for you.

  2. Check that Livereload is running.

  3. Check that sass is compiling. (set a variable, use the variable, then check if gulp compiles to a proper css file)

Media Queries/Sass Block Family Exercise:

Level 1: Intro to Responsive Layouts

Level 1 introduces media queries and scss structure. Recreate the stylesheet for the following responsive layout using sass variables, inline media queries, and a mixin for the font. DO NOT cheat by inspecting the CSS file!!! Sassy Blocks Demo

  1. First, import the reset files:
  • partials/reset
  • partials/clearfix
  1. At minimum, define variables for:
  • globally used dark color
  • globally used light color
  • globally used bright color
  • globally used padding
  1. Make sure your stylesheet uses a mobile-first approach.
  • Define all global styles (if any)
  • then override the global styles with "medium and up" styles
  • then override the medium and up" styles with "large and up" styles.

Media Query Ranges:

  • Your Medium Media Query Range should apply for screen sizes with a minimum width of 600px.
  • Your Large Media Query Range should apply for screen sizes with a minimum width of 900px.

Note that these ranges are NOT STANDARD, and proper ranges depend on the project, devices you are developing for, etc.

  1. Define a mixin for your font, and include it where appropriate:
@mixin block_font($block_font_size: 25px, $block_font_color: $dark){
  font-size: $block_font_size;
  color: $block_font_color;

Level 2: Modular Layout

Now enhance the sassy blocks with a Modular Grid. Do it without a framework like foundation or bootstrap.

Level 3: nth-child styling

See if you can do some nth-child styling for fun.