
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Topics covered in this README:

  • Chaos Engineering
  • Creating Experiments
  • Probes and Actions
  • Chaos Environment
    • Installation
    • Configuration
  • Executing Experiments
  • Digesting results

Chaos Engineering

Chaos Engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a distributed system in order to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production. -- principlesofchaos.org


“The Chaos Toolkit aims to be the simplest and easiest way to explore building your own Chaos Engineering Experiments. It also aims to define a vendor and technology independent way of specifying Chaos Engineering experiments by providing an Open API.” (https://docs.chaostoolkit.org/)


A number of actions and probes have been developed to facilitate composing experiments for Hyperledger Indy. They are currently being maintained here in the “chaosindy” python module.

When existing “chaosindy” actions and probes need to execute remotely, python Fabric (built on top of paramiko - not to be confused with Hyperledger Fabric) is used, which is “designed to execute shell commands remotely over SSH, yielding useful Python objects in return”.

Creating Experiments

“An Experiment declares a steady state hypothesis, alongside probes to validate this steady state is met, and a method as a sequence [of] actions and probes, to interact and query the system respectively.” (https://docs.chaostoolkit.org/reference/api/experiment/)

Experiments are declared in JSON files and are composed of the following elements. Ellipses (...) added for brevity:

  • Version
  • Title
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Secrets
  • Configuration
  • Steady State Hypothesis
  • Method
  • Rollbacks
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "title": "Force View Change",
    "description": “...”,
    "tags": [...],
    "secrets": {...},
    "configuration": {...},
    "steady-state-hypothesis": {...},
    "method": [...],
    "rollbacks": [...]


The version property MUST be "0.1.0". The docs are not clear what the version number is used for, but we suspect that the ‘chaos’ executable will eventually need to know the version of API to use to parse/interpret and execute the experiment.

The current specification has not reached its 1.0.0 stable version yet. Make sure to join the discussion to provide any feedback you might have.

    "version": "0.1.0",

Title and Description

The experiment’s title and description are meant for humans and therefore should be as descriptive as possible to clarify the experiment’s rationale.

    "title": "Force View Change",
    "description": “Reach steady state (can write a nym), discover which node is the master, stop the master (stop indy-node service) on that node to force a view change, wait a reasonable amount of time for the view change to complete, verify another node has been selected as the new master, bring up the old master, and then ensure the cluster is still in consensus (can write a nym). This experiment can be repeated to 'chase the master'.


Tags provide a way of categorizing experiments. It is a sequence of JSON strings.

    "tags": [


Secrets declare values that need to be passed on to Actions or Probes in a secure manner.

Secrets may be inlined, passed via the environment, or retrieved from a HashiCorp vault instance.

    "secrets": {
        "sovrin": {
            "seed": “0000000000000000000000000Trustee1”,
            "env-seed": {
                “type”: “env”,
                “key”: “CHAOS_SEED”
            "vault-seed": {
                “type”: “vault”,
                “key”: “chaos/seed”


Configuration is meant to provide runtime values to actions and probes.

    "configuration": {
        "genesis_file": {
            "type": "env",
            "key": "CHAOS_GENESIS_FILE"
        "write_nym_timeout": {
            "type": "env",
            "key": "CHAOS_WRITE_NYM_TIMEOUT"
       "cleanup": {
            "type": "env",
            "key": "CHAOS_CLEANUP"

Steady State Hypothesis

The Steady State Hypothesis element describes what normal looks like in your system before the Method element is applied. If the steady state is not met, the Method element is not applied and the experiment MUST bail out.

The Steady State Hypothesis is checked before and after the Method element is applied, is entirely composed of one or more probes with a “tolerance” element (predicate) acting as a gate mechanism.

    "steady-state-hypothesis": {
        "title": "Can write nym",
        "probes": [
                "type": "probe",
                "name": "can-write-nym",
                "tolerance": true,
                "provider": {
                    "type": "python",
                    "module": "chaosindy.probes.write_nym",
                    "func": "write_nym",
                    "arguments": {
                        "seed": "${seed}",
                        "genesis_file": "${genesis_file}",
                        "pool_name": "fvc_pool1",
                        "my_wallet_name": "fvc_my_wallet1",
                        "their_wallet_name": "fvc_their_wallet1",
                        "timeout": "${write_nym_timeout}"



The Method describes the ordered sequence of Probe and Action elements to apply.

The “stop-primary” and “start-stopped-primary-after-view-change” actions could be combined into a “force-view-change” action.

Composition can be done in the experiment or in the modules (probe, action modules).

    "method": [{
        "type": "action",
        "name": "stop-primary",
        "provider": {
            "type": "python",
            "module": "chaosindy.actions.primary",
            "func": "stop_primary",
            "arguments": {
                "genesis_file": "${genesis_file}"
        "type": "action",
        "name": " start-stopped-primary-after-view-change",
        "provider": {
            "type": "python",
            "module": "chaosindy.actions.primary",
            "func": "start_stopped_primary_after_view_change",
            "arguments": {
                "genesis_file": "${genesis_file}"


Rollbacks declare the sequence of actions that attempt to put the system back to its initial state.

Rollbacks are called regardless of what happens during Method execution. If all probes/actions execute w/o problems, rollbacks are executed. If one or more probes/actions stacktrace, rollbacks are executed.

Rollbacks are like the “finally” clause in a try...except...finally block.

    "rollbacks": [
            "type": "action",
            "name": "start-stopped-primary",
            "provider": {
                "type": "python",
                "module": "chaosindy.actions.primary",
                "func": "start_stopped_primary",
                "arguments": {
                    "genesis_file": "${genesis_file}"
            "type": "action",
            "name": "cleanup-validator-info",
            "provider": {
                "type": "python",
                "module": "chaosindy.actions.validator_info",
                "func": "delete_validator_info",
                "arguments": {
                    "cleanup": "${cleanup}"

Probes and Actions

A Probe collects information from the system during the Steady State Hypothesis, or Method phases of an experiment.

An Action collects information and/or performs an operation against the system (i.e. stop-master, or start-stopped-master) during the Method and Rollback phases of an experiment.

The Steady State Hypothesis phase is executed before and after the Method phase. It is a sequence of Probes that declare an additional property named “tolerance”. The tolerance is a condition/predicate that must be true for the experiment to succeed/pass. If a Probe is used in the Method of an experiment, the tolerance is checked/evaluated, but will NOT cause the experiment to fail.

The Method phase is a sequence of Probes and Actions.

The Rollback phase is a sequence of Actions.


When declared fully, a Probe MUST declare:

  • type property
  • name property
  • provider property

The type property MUST be the JSON string "probe".

The name property is a free-form JSON string that MAY be considered as an identifier within the experiment.

It MAY also declare:

  • secret property
  • configuration property
  • background property - MUST not block and the next Action or Probe should immediately be applied. Default: false
    "type": "probe",
    "name": "can-write-nym",
    "tolerance": true,
    "provider": {
        "type": "python",
        "module": "chaosindy.probes.write_nym",
        "func": "write_nym",
        "arguments": {
            "seed": "${seed}",
            "genesis_file": "${genesis_file}",
            "pool_name": "fvc_pool1",
            "my_wallet_name": "fvc_my_wallet1",
            "their_wallet_name": "fvc_their_wallet1",
            "timeout": "${write_nym_timeout}"
    “background”: false


When declared fully, a Action MUST declare:

  • type property
  • name property
  • provider property The type property MUST be the JSON string "action". The name property is a free-form JSON string that MAY be considered as an identifier within the experiment. It MAY also declare:
  • secret property
  • configuration property
  • background property
  • pauses property - number indicating the number of seconds to wait before continuing
    "type": "action",
    "name": "stop-primary",
    "provider": {
	"type": "python",
	"module": "chaosindy.actions.primary",
	"func": "stop_primary",
	"arguments": {
	    "genesis_file": "${genesis_file}"

Chaos Environment - Install and Config


Setup and configure the chaosindy project on a client node.

Clone chaosindy repo:

ubuntu@client1:~$ git clone https://github.com/evernym/chaosindy.git
ubuntu@client1:~$ cd chaosindy

Install chaostoolkit inside a python virtual environment:

ubuntu@client1:~$ python3 -m venv ~/.venvs/chaostk
ubuntu@client1:~$ source  ~/.venvs/chaostk/bin/activate
(chaostk) ubuntu@client1:~$

Install the chaosindy package in the python virtual environment:

(chaostk) ubuntu@client1:~$ python3 setup.py develop

Dependencies are being installed in a python virtualenv in your ~/.venvs directory. Nothing is installed in system-wide site-packages. Therefore, do not run the above command with sudo.



Python Fabric needs to know how to connect to each node without a password:


“Evernym-QA-New” in the IdentifyFile path below is a collection of PEM files provided by the QA team used when setting up a test cluster.

Add an entry in ~/.ssh/config for every entry in a cluster’s pool_trasactions_genesis file. The Host and Hostname are taken from txnMetadata.txn.data.data.alias and txnMetadata.txn.data.data.node_ip respectively. A helper script will likely be created that will generate a ~/.ssh/config file from a pool_transactions_genesis file.

Host Node1 User ubuntu Hostname IdentityFile /home/ubuntu/pemfiles/node1.pem

"Node1" is used as the node's alias from the genesis transaction file "ubuntu" is the login name to use when logging into Node1 "" is the IP address to use when logging into Node1 "/home/ubuntu/pemfiles/node1.pem" is the pem file containing the private key to use to login to Node1 as user ubuntu. The ubuntu user must have the public key in it's /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

Test SSH connectivity

Test your SSH configuration for each client and validator node in your cluster/pool:

$ ssh Node1

Last login: Tue Jul 17 19:40:31 2018 from

You should be able to login as the designated user (user ‘ubuntu’ in this case) to each node without a password.


Some experiments may require probes and/or actions to run with sudo level permissions. Test that the user configured in ~/.ssh/config for each host has passwordless sudo rights.

ubuntu@kellysaopaulo1:~$ sudo su -

The ‘ubuntu’ user in the above example either needs to be a member of the sudo group or have a ubuntu ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL entry in /etc/sudoers

ubuntu@kellysaopaulo1:~$ groups
ubuntu adm dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev lxd

Note that the ubuntu user is a member of group sudo


Indy Node’s recording feature provides a deterministic way of reproducing, visually debugging, and fixing faults and failures. Add the following property to /etc/indy/indy_config.py and restart the indy-node service.


Executing Experiments

Each chaosindy experiment has an associated “run” script (see scripts/run-*) and the run.py script (work in progress) leverages these to allow a user to create a suite/batch (one or more) of experiments to run.

Experiments can be executed from any host where the following is true:

  • chaosindy is installed and configured (~/.ssh/config, etc…)
  • All client and validator nodes are reachable.

run.py TODOs:

  • Create a report from the journal.json output from each experiment and include the following for each experiment derived from each experiment's journal.json. Currently, each time run.py is invoked, a temporary directory is created and a "report" file is created/updated in that directory as experiments execute. The directory name/location is printed to stdout.
    • For each experiment:
      • Title: ['experiment']['title']
      • Description: ['experiment']['description]
      • Status: ['status']
      • Steady State status before method: ['steady_states']['before']['steady-state-met'] -> true or false If false, list failed probe name(s) and their and their output. Name: ['steady_states']['before']['steady-state-met']['probes'][0-N]['activity']['name'] Output: ['steady_states']['before']['steady-state-met']['probes'][0-N]['output']
      • For each activity in the method: Name: ['run'][0-N]['activity']['name'] Type: ['run'][0-N]['activity']['type'] -> action or probe Output: ['run'][0-N]['output'] -> Perhaps should always be true or false. Status: ['run'][0-N]['status'] -> "succeeded" or "failed"
      • Steady State status after method: ['steady_states']['after']['steady-state-met'] -> true or false If false, list failed probe name(s) and their and their output. Name: ['steady_states']['after']['steady-state-met']['probes'][0-N]['activity']['name'] Output: ['steady_states']['after']['steady-state-met']['probes'][0-N]['output']
      • Rollback results Name: ['rollbacks'][0-N]['activity']['name'] Output: ['rollbacks'][0-N]['activity']['output'] -> required all methods used to rollback changes to always return true or false? Status: ['rollbacks'][0-N]['activity']['status'] -> "succeeded" or "failed"?
      • (optional) Overall status. The default behavior of chaostoolkit is that experiments fail only if the steady state hypothesis is not met before and after the experiment's method is executed. An experiment's method is composed of one or more activities. If any/all of these activities encounter issues (raise exceptions, return false, etc.) the experiment ignores them and simply succeeds or fails based on the probes executed in the steady state hypothesis. Perhaps some logic needs to be added to report an overall status of 'fail'/'failed' if any of the activities in the experiment's method "fail"?
      • On failure (optionally - overall status failure), capture node state and include deposit location S3/filesystem in the report.
  • Allow the user to specify an output directory. Currently, a temporary directory is generated each time run.py is invoked.
  • Complete and test S3 integration
    • On individual experiment failure, capture node state and upload to S3
    • Upload generated report to S3
  • Complete and test notification feature. Perhaps notification(s) should only be sent if at least one experiment "fails" (based on Experiment status OR Overall status)?
  • Complete and test a node reset (delete domain and pool ledger) feature. Doing so will allow each experiment (running in a controlled environment) to start with a clean slate. Perhaps a user should be able to dictate which experiments get a clean slate before executing?

Sample run.py execution

View help documentation

(chaostk) ubuntu@KellyStableClientVirgina:~/chaosindy$ ./run.py --help

Run force-view-change 1000 times and replica-selection once on pool1

(chaostk) ubuntu@KellyStableClientVirgina:~/chaosindy$ ./run.py pool1 --job-id "example-1" --experiments '{"force-view-change": {"execution-count": 1000}, "replica-selection": {}}' -l debug

Run all experiments using their defaults on pool2

(chaostk) ubuntu@KellyStableClientVirgina:~/chaosindy$ ./run.py pool2 --job-id "example-2"

Alternatively, each experiment has a “run” script in the ./scripts directory that do the following:

  • Define default arguments
  • Accept arguments to override defaults
  • Execute the experiment one or more times
  • Detect if the experiment succeeded or failed and terminate the individual run-* experiment/script immediately following first failure.

Sample execution

View help documentation

(chaostk) ubuntu@KellyStableClientVirgina:~/chaosindy$ ./scripts/run-force-view-change -h

Run the force-view-change experiment 1000 times

(chaostk) ubuntu@KellyStableClientVirgina:~/chaosindy$ ./scripts/run-force-view-change -e 1000

The run-force-view-change experiment will exit with a non-zero exit code as soon as the first failed force-view-change experiment is encountered. Otherwise, it will run 1000 iterations of the experiment and exit with a zero exit code.