
concourse pipeline sample of environment branches with GitLab flow branching model

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This repository has two concourse pipeline examples supporting two Gitlab flow model below:

Production branch with GitLab flow

Production branch with Gitlab flow assumes two major branches.

  • main branch: This branch is for tracking production 'grade' code, it can be seen as release candidates. Not as github flow, master branch is not for tracking production codes.
    • features branch: as standard git flow and github flow, this is for developing each feature and will be merged to master.
  • production branch: This is the branch for tracking production code. Every commit on the branch will be shipped to the production environment.

Concourse pipeline to support "Production branch with Gitlab flow"


2-envs.yml supports that:

  • Semantic versioning by semver-resource
  • Continuous Integration(CI) for pull requests.
  • Continuous Deployment(CD) of master branch
    • deployment to staging environment bumps release candidate version (stored in rc-version resource)
      • release candidate version will be of the form x.y.z-rc.n
  • CI/CD of production branch
    • merge-master-to-production job is the trigger to start deployment to production.
    • Succeeding jobs performs CI/CD
    • version-production job always computes final version from rc-version resource and stores it to final-version resource.
    • If release candidate version was x.y.z-rc.n, final version will be x.y.z
    • start-next-rc is executed after tag-production. This stores next release candidate version to rc-version resource.
      • If x.y.z will be tagged, start-next-rc bumped patch version. i.e. in this case, next release candidate version will be x.y.(z+1)-dev.1
      • Team can manually bump minor/major version when big changes happened on master branch.
  • tagging commits and actual shipment jobs are separated. This enables you to ship the latest commit on production branch to production environment without bumping versions. This would be useful for deployment failure or network issues.

Please note that this pipeline does NOT support hotfix-ing on production branch. This means you need to commits those fixes to master branch and start over release process. See 2-envs.yml for implementation details.

Environment branches with GitLab flow

In Environment branches with GitLab flow, it assumes three environment. They are staging, pre-production, production environments. It also assumes git repository have three major branches whose are corresponding to environments. Please note that master branch is the only branch whose name is different from environment name.

  • main branch: This branch is for tracking codes which are deployed continuously to staging environment.
    • features branch: as standard git flow and github flow, this is for developing each feature and will be merged to master.
  • pre-production branch: This branch if for tracking codes which are deployed to pre-production environment. Every commit on the branch will be shipped to the pre-production environment. These shipment can be seen as release candidates.
  • prodution branch: This is the branch for tracking production code. Every commit on the branch will be shipped to the production environment.

Concourse pipeline to support "Environment branches with Gitlab flow"


3-envs.yml supports that:

  • Semantic versioning by semver-resource
  • Continuous Integration(CI) for pull requests.
  • Continuous Deployment(CD) to staging environment of master branch.
    • deployment to staging environment bumps development version (dev-version resource)
      • development version will be of the form x.y.z-dev.n
  • CI/CD of pre-production branch
    • merge-master-to-pre-production job is the trigger to start deployment to pre-production environment.
    • Succeeding jobs performs CI/CD to pre-production environment.
    • version-pre-production job always computes release candidate version from dev-version resource and stores it to rc-version resource.
    • If development version was x.y.z-dev.n, release candidate version will be x.y.z-rc.1
    • start-next-dev is executed after tag-pre-production. This stores next development version to dev-version resource.
      • If x.y.z-rc.1 will be tagged, start-next-dev bumped patch version. Next dev version will be x.y.(z+1)-dev.1
      • This means release candidate version will never be bumped to rc.2. Team needs to fix commits on mater branch and start over CI/CD flow from merge-master-to-pre-production
      • Team can manually bump patch/minor/master branch when big changes happened on master branch.
    • e2e-test-on-pre-production performs end-to-end test on pre-production environment. This would work as the final gate to promote pre-production branch to production branch.
  • CI/CD of production branch
    • When e2e-test-on-pre-production passed, CI/CD process of production branch will be triggered automatically. merge-pre-production-to-production will be kicked.
    • Succeeding jobs performs CI/CD to production environment.
    • version-production job always computes final version from rc-version resource and stores it to final-version resource.
    • If release candidate version was x.y.z-rc.1, final version will be x.y.z
  • tagging and actual shipment jobs are separated. This enables you to ship the latest commit on production branch to production environment without bumping versions. This would be useful for deployment failure or network issues.

Please note that this pipeline does NOT support hotfix-ing on pre-production and production branch. This means you need to commits those fixes to master branch and start over release process. See 3-envs.yml for detailed.