
The "Registration App" project is an application developed in C# using a microservices architecture. The main purpose is to manage information related to the registration of personal data and integration with external services.

Primary LanguageC#


The "Registration App" project is an application developed in C# using a microservices architecture. The main purpose is to manage information related to the registration of personal data and integration with external services.

Microservices System

Main Microservices

  1. Client Microservice:

    • Responsible for managing information related to customers, including registration, update, and removal.
    • Provides HTTP services through controllers.
  2. Partner System Microservice(not finished):

    • Integrates customer registrations.
    • Provides HTTP services through controllers.

Design Patterns Used

  • Repository Pattern with Unit of Work:
    • Used to manage database operations cohesively in each microservice.
    • Allows grouping database operations into a single transaction, ensuring data consistency.


  • C# (.Net 6)


Domain-Driven Design (DDD)

  • Structures the code around the problem domain.
  • Entities, aggregates, domain services, and value objects are modeled according to the specific context of each microservice.

Clean Architecture

  • Organizes the code in a way that dependency layers decrease as we approach the core of the application.
  • External layers (such as the user interface and infrastructure details) depend only on internal layers, maintaining flexibility and facilitating maintenance.

Additional Patterns

  • Unit of Work:

    • Pattern used to manage transactions and database operations cohesively in each microservice.
    • Groups database operations into a single transaction, ensuring data consistency.
  • Dependency Injection:

    • Facilitates maintenance and testing of each component.
    • Services and dependencies are injected through a DI container, promoting inversion of control and decoupling of components.

Background Jobs

  • Hangfire for Background Jobs:
    • Utilized Hangfire for managing background jobs, enhancing the system's ability to handle asynchronous tasks efficiently.

Unit testing

  • Add xUnit for unit tests.
  • Add Sonarqube to validade code coverage and improvements.