Arduino library for debouncing momentary contact switches, detect press, release, long press and sequences with event definitions and callbacks.
- 5
EasyButton error with ESP32.
#96 opened by ledadrian - 3
solve the Filter.h not found problem
#88 opened by wanggaoteng - 1
- 0
A note on the example of Interrupts, solve "Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1)"
#89 opened by wanggaoteng - 0
Reading buttons in for loop
#92 opened by saulGoodmannnn - 0
- 1
vButton.onPressedFor issue
#59 opened by mdleisure - 9
Filter.h not found on v2.0.3. Failed to compile
#83 opened by m-gracia - 1
- 0
Interrupt operation is unstable
#84 opened by m1cje - 9
- 1
- 0
ESP32-C3 does not support Touch
#74 opened by Cvaniak - 0
vButton with MCP23017
#77 opened by lmeyer200 - 1
Multiple buttons with Callback per button
#75 opened by jannies - 2
- 9
Interrupt example not working with 1.2.1
#40 opened by octave - 1
Enhancement: instance pointer in callbacks
#73 opened by fastbike - 1
- 4
Multiple onPressedFor
#60 opened by FraOre - 3
Error example simple button with interrupt in ESP32.
#69 opened by oriaj3 - 1
Clarify in Docs what INTERUPT is
#71 opened by spuder - 2
- 0
Feature request: Reset pressed time.
#67 opened by JotarOne - 3
Delay in Reading
#65 opened by Abhesheksh - 1
Press duration
#66 opened by dynek - 2
"onPressed" is actually "onRelease" ??
#57 opened by SteveRMann - 2
Error with Digistump/attiny85 compiling
#54 opened by saddys - 1
- 0
- 6
Callback for button release?
#30 opened by mrdc - 1
- 4
Unexpected behavior
#48 opened by ullix - 4
- 6
imput Variable instead of imput Pin
#31 opened by Petros144 - 4
MCP 23017 Additional Inputs
#33 opened by mdleisure - 5
- 2
v2 branch removal of begin() may be problematic
#29 opened by liebman - 6
- 5
Using EasyButton with Low-Power
#23 opened by vazquezjm - 2
ESP32 compilation issues
#32 opened by malaki86 - 3
- 1
too complicated documentation
#28 opened by aleemahmed96 - 2
#define INTERRUPT 0
#27 opened by 404-baitnotfound - 5
- 5
Compile errors in MultipleButtons.ino
#21 opened by vazquezjm - 2
- 3
Long button press issues
#14 opened by malaki86 - 4
Error using library
#12 opened by sunishnet - 1
MyCustomLibrary function can´t use callback
#10 opened by renerlemes