
wrap of sql-migrate

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

db-migrate for docker

Docker Hubh

This is wrap rubenv/sql-migrate using Docker

migrate up

When below files are existed.

$ tree
├── dbconfig.yml
└── migrations
    └── 20191111184655-create-users.sql

$ cat dbconfig.yml
  dialect: postgres
  datasource: host=${DEV_DATABASE_HOST} user=${DEV_DATABASE_USER} password=${DEV_DATABASE_PASSWORD} dbname=${DEV_DATABASE_NAME} port=${DEV_DATABASE_PORT} sslmode=disable
  dir: migrations
  table: migrations
  pool: 5

$ cat migrations/20191111184655-create-users.sql
-- +migrate Up
create table users (
  id bigserial not null primary key,
  email text not null,
  name text not null,
  created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
  updated_at timestamptz not null default now()
create unique index on users (email);
create index on users (created_at desc);
create index on users (updated_at desc);

create table admin_users (
  id bigserial not null primary key,
  created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
  updated_at timestamptz not null default now(),
  user_id bigint not null,
  foreign key (user_id) references users(id)

create index on admin_users (created_at desc);
create index on admin_users (updated_at desc);
create unique index on admin_users (user_id);

-- +migrate Down
drop table admin_users;
drop table users;

Besides, You run PostgreSQL.

$ docker run -d --rm --name "example-postgres" -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres" -e "POSTGRES_DB=example" -p "5432:5432" -e "POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS=--encoding=UTF-8 --locale=C.UTF-8" postgres:12.0

You can run below, and apply migration

$ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/dbconfig.yml:/workspace/dbconfig.yml" -v "$(pwd)/migrations:/workspace/migrations" -e "DEV_DATABASE_HOST=host.docker.internal" -e "DEV_DATABASE_USER=postgres" -e "DEV_DATABASE_PASSWORD=postgres" -e "DEV_DATABASE_NAME=example" -e "DEV_DATABASE_PORT=5432" pyar6329/sql-migrate:latest up

And, check schema;

$ PGPASSWORD="postgres" psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -w -d example -c "\d users; \d admin_users;"

migrate down

Run below command, tables are dropped.

$ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/dbconfig.yml:/workspace/dbconfig.yml" -v "$(pwd)/migrations:/workspace/migrations" -e "DEV_DATABASE_HOST=host.docker.internal" -e "DEV_DATABASE_USER=postgres" -e "DEV_DATABASE_PASSWORD=postgres" -e "DEV_DATABASE_NAME=example" -e "DEV_DATABASE_PORT=5432" pyar6329/sql-migrate:latest down