
Elipses Programming Language with SableCC

Primary LanguageJava

Rebuild Sabblecc .java files, Compile Project and Run by one of the following from root of the project

python3 run.py

python run.py

To run as a script first do chmod +x ./run.py first



Add the Compiler to Path

  • First run the command chmod +x ./bin/elipc to let the elipc be used as an executable.
  • Add the below export to your ~/.bashrc, or equivalente
  • export PATH=<path-where-you've-cloned-this-repo>/elip/bin:$PATH

Add the Compiler to Path (Windows)

  • Add <path-where-you've-cloned-this-repo>/elip/bin


  • elipc --c file.elip to compile into C code, already the default behaviour
  • elipc --gui file.elip to see AST in gui
  • elipc --ast file.elip to see AST in console
  • elipc --exe file.elip to compile into executable using gcc


  • Main function might take any number of args as long as it is a basic type inteiro real boleano