

  • bash src/main.cpp from the root
  • if doesnt work try g++ src/main.cpp -o bin/app -lglut -ldl -Isrc/ -Idemos/ -Ivendor/ -Ivendor/glad/include/ -Ivendor/stb/include/ -Ivendor/noise/ -O3 -Ofast
  • try -lfreeglut instead of -lglut if prefer/problems


  • g++ src/main.cpp -o bin/app -lfreeglut -Isrc/ -Idemos/ -Ivendor/ -Ivendor/glad/include/ -Ivendor/stb/include/ -Ivendor/noise/ -O3 -Ofast


  • bin/app [scene_input_file]
  • Window: bin\app.exe [scene_input_file]
  • If no scene_input_file is provided, a default one will be used



Linux (Debian based)

  • sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev


  • Use msys2/mingw terminal/shell to install freeglut with the command: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-freeglut.
  • If mingw libraries are not on path, go to the project directory using mingw shell called mingw64.exe and then compile it.

C++ 20 compiler

  • Might work with c++17 compiler, but it was only tested with g++ 12.2.0


  • w, s, d, a forward, backward, sideways movement
  • click and drag to control the view direction
  • space, q to go up
  • crtl+space, e to go down (couldn't resolve the crlt glut problem, so the use of crtl is finnicky)
  • wheel to change fov

Recommended Settings

  • The recommended settings are in src/input.txt
  • If width or depth exceeds 100 might get pretty LOW fps. It's recommended to stay below this range, and the height be less then 50

Project Folder Structure

  • src/ contains all the source code, it containes main.cpp for a pseudo-bash script that includes the actual project island.cpp, also can find the input.txt that provides a default scene description
  • src/game all the island code that dependes on all the other folder in the src
  • src/utils utils function, doenst depend on any files
  • src/math generic mat and vec classes for matrices and vectors respectivaly, only depends on src/utils
  • src/platform implementation of Window Interface using glut for now
  • src/graphics all the core for graphics, loading meshes, loading texture and rendering using shaders
  • src/assets contain static C arrays that contains data about the .obj directly into C, which means it'll be embedded into the executable
  • vendor/ All external libraries, glad, noise, utily for obj2c, stb image
  • bin/ binaries
  • assets/ resources for the project, including shaders, textures, models.
  • docs/ definition of the project from my class
