
Chapter 5 Testing Controllers

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On testing the Get Index I am getting an error:

  1. ContactsController GET #index with params[:letter] populates an array of contacts starting with params[:letter]
    Failure/Error: expect(assigns(:contacts)).to match_array(['smith'])
    **expected collection contained: ["smith"]
    the missing elements were: ["smith"]
    the extra elements were: [#<Contact id: 980190963, firstname: "Alexzander", lastname: "Smith", email: "rosie@weber.biz", created_at: "2016-12-18 01:54:50", updated_at: "2016-12-18 01:54:50">]

    ./spec/controllers/contacts_controller_spec.rb:13:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

My code is as in the book:

it 'populates an array of contacts starting with params[:letter]' do
smith = create(:contact, lastname: 'Smith')
jones = create(:contact, lastname: 'Jones')
get :index, letter:'S'
expect(assigns(:contacts)).to match_array(['smith'])

expect(assigns(:contacts)).to match_array([smith])

Nevermind...i had (['smith']) with smith in quotes...took them out.