Code samples for Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec, Rails 4.1/RSpec 3.0 edition
- 6
Ch 9 spec fails
#48 opened by arturtr - 1
- 6
- 1
- 1
Chapter 5 Testing Controllers
#75 opened by eaglerockdude - 1
[error] newer bundler causes: Your Gemfile.lock is corrupt. The following gem is missing from the DEPENDENCIES section: 'rspec'
#74 opened by hachi8833 - 2
- 1
CH.5 Failing Test
#69 opened by edemauro - 3
error with invalid contact for controller spec
#67 opened by tinaoct1 - 3
- 6
- 2
application.rb p. 17
#65 opened by tenzan - 0
Ch.5 be_true should be be_truthy
#63 opened by JunichiIto - 0
Ch 6. id is not required for create
#62 opened by JunichiIto - 0
Ch 8. Feature spec works without find method
#61 opened by JunichiIto - 0
Ch 9. set_user_session is not used
#60 opened by JunichiIto - 0
- 0
Ch.5 assigns[key] is used
#58 opened by JunichiIto - 0
Ch.9 Avoid useless stubbing
#57 opened by JunichiIto - 0
Shared db connection
#56 opened by ristovskiv - 1
- 6
Instance variable in PATCH controller specs
#53 opened by ristovskiv - 1
- 0
Use bin/spring in Guardfile
#52 opened by JunichiIto - 4
Problems with using Capybara
#51 opened by vdogamer - 1
Few questions regarding your approach
#50 opened by deepvel - 1
Ch 8. Selenium Error
#49 opened by dxypher - 3
How about using Poltergeist?
#46 opened by JunichiIto - 6
- 0
Ch 3 Testing for Failures
#47 opened by dxypher - 0
Ch.2 Use bin/rake db:create:all
#45 opened by JunichiIto - 1
Ch.9 Specify bin/xxx or bundle exec xxx
#44 opened by JunichiIto - 0
- 0
http://ruby.railstutorial.org is redirected to https://www.railstutorial.org/
#42 opened by JunichiIto - 0
Ch.8 Database Cleaner => DatabaseCleaner
#41 opened by JunichiIto - 0
- 0
Ch.7 Use PATCH instead of PUT
#39 opened by JunichiIto - 0
Ch.7 shared_examples_for appears once
#38 opened by JunichiIto - 0
Ch.3 eq != eql
#37 opened by JunichiIto - 2
Ch 3: Spec code written as normal text
#35 opened by coalwater - 1
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More testing... : Rails Tutorial 3rd edition is different from previous editions.
#26 opened by JunichiIto - 2
curly brackets not needed for FactoryGirl + Faker
#31 opened by duarme - 0
Missing instance variable page 33
#32 opened by heroturtle - 0
Missing instance variable page 34
#33 opened by heroturtle - 1
- 1
Ch 2. Cannot run bin/rspec
#27 opened by JunichiIto - 1
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Ch 10: have_http_status matcher exists
#25 opened by JunichiIto - 1