
Middleware to connect Everynet coverage to the ChirpStack V4 installation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Everynet RAN to ChirpStack Bridge

It is an early stage beta product. Please refer to the known limitations section.

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Everynet operates a Neutral-Host Cloud RAN, which is agnostic to the LoRaWAN Network Server. Everynet's main product is carrier-grade coverage that can be connected to any LNS available on the market and ChirpStack in particular.

Everynet coverage is available via Everynet RAN Routing API that let customers control message routing table (subscribe to devices). It also allows to send and receive LoRaWAN messages.

This integration is designed to simplify the connection between the Everynet RAN Routing API and ChirpStack installation.


With this software, you can connect your ChirpStack Application to Everynet RAN coverage.

Before we start it is important to mention that Everynet RAN main functionality is LoRaWAN traffic routing, while ChirpStack is doing the rest of the job: device and key management, payload parsing and so on...

Everynet RAN does not store any device-related cryptographic keys and is not capable of decrypting customer traffic.

How it works

This software works similar to the standard ChirpStack gateway bridge component which receives packets from real gateways.

Everynet RAN to ChirpStack bridge receives messages from RAN Routing API and translates it to a virtual gateway messages that are then served to the ChirpStack installation.


The integration periodically fetches devices from the ChirpStack API and add these device to the Everynet RAN routing table (subscribe to these devices).


Before using this software you should configure the following parameters. Make sure that you correctly set all the required parameters.

Parameters are read from environment variables and/or settings.cfg and .env files.

For docker-compose deployment you can use config template from .env-dist-docker. Copy this file contents into .env before following docker-compose deployment guide below.

cp .env-dist-docker .env

Template with all config variables with their default can be found at .env-dist.

Parameter Required Default value Description
CHIRPSTACK_API_TOKEN Yes You can generate an API Token using the corresponding menu item in the Сhirpstack Application Server Web UI
CHIRPSTACK_TENANT_ID ChirpStack tenant identifier. May be used for single-tenant deployment. If not provided, bridge will operate in multi-tenant mode
CHIRPSTACK_MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX global MQTT topics prefix (v4 configuration allowing to configure different MQTT topic prefixes for different regions). If not set, bridge will use topics without prefix.
CHIRPSTACK_REGION Yes eu868 ChirpStack region name (one of enabled regions, from ChirpStack configuration)
CHIRPSTACK_API_GRPC_HOST Yes localhost ChirpStack host name (IP address can also be used). This address is used by the ran-chirpstack-bridge to make gRPC calls to the ChirpStack Application. e.g. my-chirpstack-server.com
CHIRPSTACK_API_GRPC_SECURE False ChirpStack gRPC API connection secure on not
CHIRPSTACK_API_GRPC_CERT_PATH If you are using custom certificates for a secure connection, you must specify certificate path here
CHIRPSTACK_MQTT_SERVER_URI Yes ChirpStack MQTT server URI e.g. mqtt://my-chirpstack-server.com. URI support username, password and secure connecton e.g. mqtts://admin:pass@my-chirpstack-server.com
CHIRPSTACK_MATCH_TAGS everynet=true Mark devices (or device profiles) with the "everynet=true" tag to connect them to Everynet coverage. Here you can change this tag.
CHIRPSTACK_GATEWAY_ID Yes 000000000000C0DE MAC address of the virtual gateway from which messages will be arriving to the ChripStack
CHIRPSTACK_DEVICES_REFRESH_PERIOD 300 Period in seconds to fetch device list from the ChirpStack and sync it with Everynet RAN
RAN_TOKEN Yes RAN Routing API token
RAN_API_URL Yes RAN Routing API endpoint URL
HEALTHCHECK_SERVER_HOST Internal healthcheck http server bind host
HEALTHCHECK_SERVER_PORT 9090 Internal healtcheck http server port http://[host]:[port]/health/live http://[host]:[port]/health/ready
LOG_LEVEL info Logging level. Allowed values: info, warning, error, debug

Deploying ChirpStack and Ran-Bridge with docker-compose

For now it is only possible to deploy this bridge using docker and docker-compose. If you don't have any installation of ChirpStack first you need to deploy it. For reference you can use docker-compose files from this repository.

Multi-Tenant bridge

1. Build chirpstack-ran-bridge docker image

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml build

2. Start chirpstack

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml up -d

3. Create chirpstack API key

RanBridge in multi-tenant mode requires ChirpStack global API access token, obtained for user. You can't use tenant API keys for multi-tenant mode.

You can create API key manually under Network Server/API keys section of chirpstack UI, or by using utility script:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run --rm chirpstack-ran-bridge python create-api-key.py
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run --rm chirpstack-ran-bridge python create-api-key.py


Set CHIRPSTACK_API_TOKEN variable with obtained token in .env file.

4. Create gateway

You need to create gateway for bridge. You can do it under Tenant/Gateways section. Also, you can check "5. Create gateway" section of Single-Tenant bridge guide below for extra info.

You need to create only one gateway under any tenant to use bridge software.

But, to support other tenants simultaneously, tenant-owner of created gateway must has "Gateways are private" configuration flag disabled.

You can change this flag under Tenant/Dashboard/Configuration section of ChirpStack UI.

5. Configure Access to RAN

Edit .env file and set your RAN token in RAN_TOKEN variable and api URL in RAN_API_URL variable. You can obtain this values from RAN cloud UI - https://cloud.everynet.io/.

6. Start chirpstack-ran-bridge

On this step, your .env file must contain several required values, example:

# ChirpStack access variables

# Ran Routing access variables

Now, you can run configured RAN-bridge.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml up -d

ChirpStack with chirpstack-ran-bridge will be available at http://<YOUR DOMAIN>:8080

Single-Tenant bridge

1. Build chirpstack-ran-bridge docker image

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml build

2. Start chirpstack

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml up -d

3. Configure tenant_id

Decide required tenant id. You can find this id in chirpstack UI, or use utility script:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run --rm chirpstack-ran-bridge python query-tenants.py

Select tenant and copy it's tenant id value into .env file as CHIRPSTACK_TENANT_ID variable. Ensure this tenant can have gateways.

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run --rm chirpstack-ran-bridge python query-tenants.py

|     name     |                tenant id                |  can have gateways  |
|  ChirpStack  |  52f14cd4-c6f1-4fbd-8f87-4025e1d49242   |         yes         |

4. Create chirpstack API key

You can create api-token manually under Network Server/API keys section of chirpstack UI, or by using utility script:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run --rm chirpstack-ran-bridge python create-api-key.py
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run --rm chirpstack-ran-bridge python create-api-key.py


Set CHIRPSTACK_API_TOKEN variable with obtained token in .env file.

Unprivileged api keys

If you want to create non-admin access token for your ran-bridge installation, you can generate token only for desired tenant.

It can be done manually under Tenant/API keys section of chirpstack UI, or with utility script.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run --rm chirpstack-ran-bridge python create-api-key.py --tenant-id 52f14cd4-c6f1-4fbd-8f87-4025e1d49242 --not-admin

In this case provide "--tenant-id" flag with same tenant_id, you set as .env variable CHIRPSTACK_TENANT_ID on step 3.

5. Create gateway

You need to create new gateway in ChirpStack. You can do it under Tenant/Gateways section of UI, or use utility script:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run --rm chirpstack-ran-bridge python create-gateway.py --gateway-id 000000000000c0de --tenant-id 52f14cd4-c6f1-4fbd-8f87-4025e1d49242
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml run chirpstack-ran-bridge python create-gateway.py --gateway-id 000000000000c0de --tenant-id 52f14cd4-c6f1-4fbd-8f87-4025e1d49242


Provide "--tenant-id" flag with same tenant_id, you set as .env variable CHIRPSTACK_TENANT_ID on step 3.

Set CHIRPSTACK_GATEWAY_ID variable with identifier of created gateway in .env file.

6. Configure Access to RAN

Edit .env file and set your RAN token in RAN_TOKEN variable and api URL in RAN_API_URL variable. You can obtain this values from RAN cloud UI - https://cloud.everynet.io/.

7. Start chirpstack-ran-bridge

On this step, your .env file must contain several required values, example:

# ChirpStack access variables

# Ran Routing access variables

Now, you can run configured RAN-bridge.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.chirpstack.yml -f docker-compose.chirpstack-ran-bridge.yml up -d

ChirpStack with chirpstack-ran-bridge will be available at http://<YOUR DOMAIN>:8080

Deploying Ran-Bridge with docker

Ran-Bridge has pre-builded docker images. You must have an existing ChirpStack v4 installation or you can install ChirpStack using docker-compose from section above.

To run Ran-Bridge you must specify the required parameters listed above. Example command below shows the main required parameters and their typical values:

docker run -d --name=ran-bridge --restart=always \
    -e CHIRPSTACK_API_TOKEN="eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOi<...>CI6ImtleSJ9.HF2DwQL9jgUyXG0e5TfgvHpUteguSapeSsIvppIfRDE" \
    -e CHIRPSTACK_TENANT_ID="52f14cd4-c6f1-4fbd-8f87-4025e1d49242" \
    -e CHIRPSTACK_API_GRPC_HOST=mydomain.com \
    -e CHIRPSTACK_MQTT_SERVER_URI=mqtt://mydomain.com \
    -e CHIRPSTACK_REGION=eu868 \
    -e CHIRPSTACK_GATEWAY_ID=000000000000C0DE \
    -e RAN_TOKEN="<...>" \
    -e RAN_API_URL="https://dev.cloud.everynet.io/api/v1" \

Bands and regional parameters

Everynet Ran-Routing coverage uses some custom parameters for gateway's bands.

If you want to use Everynet coverage with "Ran-Routing to ChirpStack bridge", ensure your ChirpStack is configured properly.

This repository provides proper ChirpStack configurations for bands, used by Everynet:

  • AS923
  • AS923_2
  • AU915_A
  • EU868
  • US915
  • US915_A
  • US915_AB

Those configurations are stored in docker-data/chirpstack/ folder, and can be used as reference for ChirpStack configuration. If you are deploying ChirpStack with docker-compose files from repository, you don't need to change anything, deployed ChirpStack installation will already have correct configuration.

If you are using your own ChirpStack deployment and deploying bridge with pre-built docker images, check your ChirpStack regions configuration.

More information about ChirpStack configuration may be found on official website:

Sections below describes changes, applied to each band, used in Everynet's coverage.


Default channels

Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
868100000 0..5
868300000 0..5
868500000 0..5

Extra channels

Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
867100000 0..5
867300000 0..6
867500000 0..5
867700000 0..5
867900000 0..5


The same as the LoRaWAN regional parameters.


The first 8 channels, the same as the LoRaWAN regional parameters.

Index of channel Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
0 902300000 0..3
1 902500000 0..3
2 902700000 0..3
3 902900000 0..3
4 903100000 0..3
5 903300000 0..3
6 903500000 0..3
7 903700000 0..3


Index of channel Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
2 902700000 0..3
3 902900000 0..3
4 903100000 0..3
5 903300000 0..3
10 904300000 0..3
11 904500000 0..3
12 904700000 0..3
13 904900000 0..3
64 903000000 4


Default channels

Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
923200000 0..5
923400000 0..5

Extra Channels

Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
923000000 0..5
923600000 0..6
923800000 0..5
924000000 6
924200000 0..5
924400000 7 Modulation FSK


Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
921400000 0..5
921600000 0..5

Extra Channels

Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
921200000 0..5
921800000 0..6
922000000 0..5
922200000 0..6
922400000 0..5
922600000 7 Modulation FSK


The first 8 channels, the same as the LoRaWAN regional parameters.

Index of channel Frequency in Hz Datarates Description
0 915200000 0..5
1 915400000 0..5
2 915600000 0..5
3 915800000 0..5
4 916000000 0..5
5 916200000 0..5
6 916400000 0..5
7 916600000 0..5

Known limitations

These are the known limitations that are going to be fixed in the next versions of this software:

  • neither FSK, nor LR-FHSS modulations are supported