
.plan file finger emulation, except via a markdown->node.js processor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

.plan file finger emulation

.plan files are one of the oldest methods for easily communicating with the public. A precursor to micro-blogging, and even structured data, .plan files (and their close cousin .project files) have been used in unix environments for decades, and often credited with inspiring the concept of micro-blogging.

This project intends on introducing the simplest way for someone to create .plan and .project files.



Relevant Files

The public interface to this project is the plan and project markdown files. Editing these should be all that is necessary for normal operation and updating.

- /markdown
-- plan.md     //default .plan file
-- project.md  //optional project .project

codeship status


Recommended pre-requisites

This project was designed to easily be deployed to Heroku with little to no configuration. It can be hosted on other environments like Beanstalk, but the focus of this walkthrough is Heroku.

  • Have the Heroku Toolbelt installed for your platform, and a valid account
  • Familiarize yourself with the Markdown plaintext format

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/erinsparling.com/plan
cd plan

Create a heroku app

heroku apps:create <app name>

Configure your environmental variables

To configure Google Analytics, make sure to set up some environmental variables for the server.

UA=<Google UA KEY>
DOMAIN=<domain name>

This can be found in gist form as well. With the heroku command-line configuration, this can be done in one command.

heroku config:set UA=<Google UA KEY> DOMAIN=<domain name>

Deploy your app

git push heroku master