This project is to detect the stamp in the frame captured by web camera and send its coordinate to Arduino so that a robot can pick the detected stamp. Faster_RCNN_Resnet_101 model is trained to detect the stamp.
Then when the robot moves the picked stamp in front of 2 cameras which are used to take the top and bottom side of the stamp, it is estimated whether the stamps picked by the robot are multi or single and if there is only one stamp, a front side of the stamp is estimated among 2 photos taken by the 2 cameras.
In the next step, the correct orientation of the stamp is determined to rotate into the correct direction, and finally the stamp is aligned into the white paper with the specific image processing.
This process is iterated by communicating between Arduino and PC.
The Arduino code for communication between PC and Arduino
The main source code for detecting stamps and communication with Arduino
- The deep learning model for stamp detection
- The source code for management of files and folders
The main execution file
All the dependencies for this project
Several settings including serial port
Some configurations of user input for image processing like contrast, brightness, sharpness, gamma, white balance.
Ubuntu 18.04, Windows 10(Recommended), Python 3.6
Dependency Installation
Please navigate to this project directory and run the following command in the terminal.
- Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev sudo apt-get install xclip pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Windows
python3 -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew --extra-index-url pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Please create "model" folder in the "utils" folder and copy the 2 deep learning models into the "model" folder.
Please create "credential" folder in the "utils" folder and copy the vision_key.txt file into the "credential" folder.
Configuration (in user_config file)
- arduino_port: the port connected with Arduino.
- gamma: float value for gamma of image processing
- brightness: int value between -255 and 255 for brightness
- contrast: int value between -127 and 127 for contrast
- sharpness: bool value with true and false for sharpness
- white_balance: bool value with true and false for white balance
- collection_number: int value of collection number
- top_cam: int value of top camera number
- bottom_cam: int value of bottom camera number
- stamp_detector_cam: int value of stamp detector camera number
In the case of Ubuntu OS, please run the following command in the terminal.
sudo chmod 666 {ARDUINO_PORT} # like /dev/ttyUSB0
Please run the following command in the terminal.
Please refer arduino/coordinate_sender.ino file for communication between Arduino and PC.
Communication between PC and Arduino
- Arduino -> PC: "detect": PC detects the stamp
- Once PC detects the stamp: PC -> Arduino: coordinate with x, y like "x,y"
- Robot moves the stamp, Arduino -> PC: "moved", PC takes the photos of top and bottom
- If multi stamps or not any stamp, PC -> Arduino: "retry"
- If single, after estimation of the front side and rotation, PC aligns the stamp.
- If alignment is not complete, PC -> Arduino: "retry"
- If alignment is complete, PC -> Arduino: "complete"