
Code for the paper "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Shared Latent Dynamics for Reinforcement Learning"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Domain Adaptation with Shared Latent Dynamics and Adversarial Matching

This repository contains PyTorch code for the paper

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Shared Latent Dynamics for Reinforcement Learning (accepted to Bayesian Deep Learning workshop at NeurIPS 2019)

by Evgenii Nikishin, Arsenii Ashukha and Dmitry Vetrov.


Reinforcement learning algorithms struggle to adapt quickly to new environments. We propose a model that learns similar latent representations for similar pairs of observations from different domains without access to a one-to-one correspondence between the observations. The model uses shared dynamics in a latent space and adversarial matching of latent codes as a way to align latent representations. Given the aligned latent space, the model aims to learn a policy upon the latent representations that is optimal for both of the environments. An illustration of effects of introducing shared dynamics and the adversarial loss can be found below:


Usage example

To reproduce the results from the paper run

python gen_data.py  
python train.py --domain=source  # Train encoding and a policy on source
python train.py --domain=target --seed=2  # Train encoding on target, we got the best results with seed 2


MNIST with rotations

We design an artificial environment with MNIST digits as observations and rotations (-90, 0 and +90 degrees) as actions. After randomly assigning correct actions to all 10 digits, +1 reward is given for a correct action and 0 otherwise. To obtain the target environment, we invert the pixel values of all images in the dataset.

To demonstrate that the representations learned for different domains are aligned, we use a decoder for one domain to reconstruct latent codes produced by an encoder for another domain:

We compare policies trained upon the learned latent representations using data from source and report reward on the target environment:

Const prediction VAE features Adversarial only Dynamics only Dynamics+Adversarial
0.40 ± 0 0.40 ± 0.03 0.45 ± 0.06 0.54 ± 0.07 0.81 ± 0.21


The code is adapted from