This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.


Node >=18.17.0

yarn install install deps yarn dev start dev project

App is set to run on http://localhost:3000

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Dark mode

Set to system default, but can be set to either light/dark directly in the root layout.

Use next-themes to set the theme or remove it if not needed.


This project uses next catch-all route to handle i18n. The default locale is set to en.

Currently the locale config is in constants folder, but it can be moved to a separate config folder if needed.

To remove this feature, simply remove the [lang] route and move the files to the root of the app folder.


The project generates robots.txt and sitemap.xml automatically. Refer to robots.ts and sitemap.ts for more info.