
A framer prototype to recognize your emotions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What's this

A small prototype to demonstrate how to implement emotion recognition into framer.

Try Demo


  • Node.js (tested with 4.4.1 LTS)
  • Gulp
  • Webpack
  • Framer.js and Framer Generator
  • sketch-tool (if you want to use it, there is a specific gulp task)
  • Sketch.app


  1. Start by cloning this project

  2. Install sketch-tool via brew:

    1. Make sure you have Homebrew version 0.9.5 or higher. You can check with $ brew --version
    2. If you don't have Homebrew Cask, run $ brew tap caskroom/cask
    3. Install sketch-tool with $ brew cask install sketch-tool
  3. Download and install latest version of Framer Generator

  4. Run $ npm install. At the moment it takes a lot to install and build Framer JS via Github, there should be a better solution (I had some problems with npm version of the library)


  1. Install gulp-cli $ npm install gulp-cli -g (but you can always use local version via npm scripts)
  2. Run $ gulp or $ npm start
  3. Work on and save either src/app.coffee or src/assets.sketch
  4. Import with framer generator or use $ gulp:sketch to use sketch-tool
  5. You can create modules in the src/modules folder and src/modules them in your app.coffee

Gulp tasks


Run $ gulp clean to delete the entire build folder.


Run the default $ gulp task to watch our project folders, launch the server and enjoy live reload.


Run $ gulp build to build our project and distribute.


Run $ gulp --slices to watch using sketch-tool.

Heroku deployment

You need an active Heroku account, then you can install heroku-toolbelt.

$ brew install heroku-toolbelt
$ heroku login
$ cd *your-app-folder*

Create the app and start a Git repository.

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "starting!"
$ heroku create *app-name*
$ git push heroku master

We serve static files using Harp, we use a super simple configuration but if you want to learn more, just take a look at the documentation. You can modify the sample _harp.json.