
A Rails-based URL shortener application.

Primary LanguageRuby


A Rails-based URL shortener application.

Ruby Version


Rails Version


Required Non-Ruby Dependencies

  • Node.js
  • Yarn - Package Manager
  • Google Chrome(required to run the feature specs)

Manual Installation

Install the bundler gem:

$ gem install bundler

Install the Ruby gem dependencies:

$ bundle install

Install the Node.js dependencies:

$ yarn install

Setup the databases:

$ bundle exec rails db:setup
$ bundle exec rails db:test:prepare

Start the application in development mode:

$ bundle exec rails s

Finally, load http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Running the tests

$ ./specs.sh

Docker Installation

Please note, you will need to have Docker Compose installed.

Build the container:

$ docker-compose build

Start the application in development mode:

$ docker-compose up

Finally, load http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Running the tests

$ docker-compose run --rm url_shortener_app ./specs.sh