The Playframework 2 application with REST service that takes markdown-style text as a POST request body, and returns HTML.
Playframework 2.4 Silhouette ReactiveMongo Heroku MongoLab
The present db settings prepared for local usage, but you can upgrade it easily to deploy your app to Heroku. Just update the mongodb entry in ../conf/application.conf and provide your MongoLab db definition(no need to update the uri).
If you perform any dependency update then to launch the app you need to compile project exactly by the native Playframework activator and execute "activator clean compile" in root project folder from cmd. Usage of the present IDEA or Eclipse built-in compilers could lead to unpredictable compile errors.
Anyway after the successful activator compilation the IDEA will complain about missing controllers in routes. Such errors will be present in ../conf/routes, ../app/controllers/, ../app/views/ and ../app/utils/Filters.scala It is an issue of IDEA plugin, you can launch the app with no worries about it.
The code is licensed under Apache License v2.0.