Utility Meters

This is my first self made application for iOS. In it I realized a helper for calculate price for utility. It consist of three View Controllers, coordinating by coordinator.

  1. First ViewController is for add tariff of utility types: gas, water and electricity with date when it started. Values stored at UserDefaults.

  2. Second ViewController is TableView for display all tariffs grouped by type.

  3. Next ViewController is a TableView with meter values and prices calculated date-to-date. All meter readings stores at CoreData. For fetch meters at TableView I used FetchedResultController.

  4. Last screen - ViewController for add new meter values at date.

In plans:

  • Add button for share report of month. I send meters my landlord by telegram app.
  • Add functionality for recognize meter value from photo of metering device by captcha service. Excess functionality for my requirements, but good practice for working with Net. Realized in separate test project https://github.com/evgenvanzhukov/RucaptchaProject, don't see necessary add it to this project. Feature for feature sake

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