# Project Description "Tyt Naturalnoye Vino"


The "WineShop" project is a web application for wine sales that provides a unique experience for choosing and purchasing the finest wines. It is developed using cutting-edge technologies such as Next.js, Docker, Yarn, React, and SCSS.

This app is based on a template - https://github.com/evgenytryzo/Layout-App

Miro Project Development Plan - https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMtMy3cg=/?share_link_id=424645293489

Key Features

1. Wine Collections

  • The website offers diverse wine collections with descriptions for each wine, including the grape variety, country of origin, vintage year, and other characteristics.
  • Users can browse the collections and select wines that match their tastes and preferences.


2. Wine Slider

  • The website includes an interactive slider that allows users to easily scroll through the available wines.
  • Users can view images of wines, their names, and brief descriptions, helping them make informed purchase decisions.


3. Newsletter Subscription

  • Users have the option to subscribe to newsletters and updates to stay informed about the latest events and offers from WineShop.



  • First, copy the repository:

git clone git@github.com:evgenytryzo/Tyt-naturalnoye-vino-project.git
  • Install dependencies using Yarn:

yarn install
  • Then run the command on the command line:

docker compose up

With this command, you will launch the container with the application.

For installing all dependencies type yarn

If you get some error delete .node_modules and try again or create an issue about that

  • Open a browser window and navigate to a local host with port 4000:



To change the port, you should change the port in the 'package.json' file:

"scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev -p YOUR PORT",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start -p YOUR PORT",
    "lint": "next lint"

And you should also change the port in the 'docker-compose.yml' file:

      - "YOUR PORT:PORT"


  • Next.js: Next.js provides fast and scalable web application development with React. It offers server-side rendering, performance optimization, and routing.

  • Docker: Docker is used for containerizing the application, making it portable and manageable while providing an isolated environment.

  • Yarn: Yarn is used for managing project dependencies and ensures quick package installations.

  • React: React is used for building the application's interface, creating components, and enabling user interaction.

  • SCSS: SCSS is used for styling components and creating an elegant website design.

Tasks for this project:

  • Add to the esBuild project
  • Create a 'sh' file to automatically configure dependencies in the project.
  • Change the 'export' and 'import' in the components for convenient work with them.
  • Install 'Babel'.

Contribution and Development

We welcome contributions and improvements from the community. If you have ideas, suggestions, or want to report a bug, please create an Issue or Pull Request on GitHub.

Interesting ideas and comments on the project are accepted for the kidney: evgenykrivov@tryzo.ru