
Playground with docker, ansible and vagrant

Primary LanguageJava


  1. Step 1. Build docker containers.
cd applications/   
gradle buildDocker
  1. Step 2. Run previous containers with right environment params.
cd ansible/
ansible-playbook -i test_hosts site.yml  

or if have any probles with docker_my try to add explicit python3 interpreter:

ansible-playbook -i test_hosts site.yml -e 'ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/local/bin/python3'
  1. Step 3. Check that all containers is running
docker ps

In terminal you should see something like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
dc194b3b43f0        services_example/service2:latest         "sh -c 'java $JAVA..."   10 minutes ago      Up 31 seconds                                service2-application
e160b8f10e9b        services_example/service1:latest         "sh -c 'java $JAVA..."   10 minutes ago      Up 33 seconds>8080/tcp   service1-application
ff13db8e16d6        services_example/eureka_server:latest    "sh -c 'java $JAVA..."   12 minutes ago      Up About a minute>8761/tcp   eureka-server-application
ab7e72b21a2e        services_example/config_service:latest   "sh -c 'java $JAVA..."   12 minutes ago      Up About a minute>8889/tcp   config-server-application
  1. Check service1 by executing request:

Expected response will by calculated by expression: $value * multiple.value + increment.value

curl http://localhost:8082/api?value=2 


  1. Profit!